The Post Quiz: TV Characters with Spooky Powers - Answers

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Now that October's here, get ready to get spooky.

TV Characters with Spooky Powers: Answers

Willem's Halloween Delight, 2013.

You probably knew all these spooky TV characters. After all, you're on h2g2. But just in case, here are the answers.

What TV character possesses this spooky power?

  1. Seeing the near future in photographic detail when he touches people. John Smith, of The Dead Zone.
  2. Getting the Chicago Sun-Times a day early. Gary Hobson, of Early Edition.
  3. Talking to dead people in her tony antique shoppe. Melinda Gordon, the Ghost Whisperer.
  4. Being able to convince people he's psychic, even though all he has is an eidetic memory, a weird best friend, and a cool blue car. Shawn Spencer of Psych. (Way cooler than that Jane guy. Funnier, too.)
  5. The ability to recreate a murder scene in his mind by imagining himself as the killer. (It's a mixed blessing.) Will Graham in Hannibal. (Don't eat that!)
  6. The strange habit of turning into a large, green giant. (Not as much fun as it sounds.) Dr David Banner, in The Incredible Hulk. Face it, that monster's kind of cute.
  7. An unassailable belief that 'the truth is out there.' (That, an FBI badge, and a large porn collection.) Fox Mulder, in The X Files.
  8. A transplanted Bigfoot gland that makes him able to turn invisible. Darien Fawkes, of The Invisible Man. Yes, it's a female Bigfoot gland. Not a problem unless you meet a male Bigfoot in the woods…
  9. A blue police box that can travel through time and space. The Doctor. Of course we know that you know Doctor Who. There has to be one easy question.
  10. Wizard powers, a friend who lives in his own skull, and a magical detective office in Chicago. Harry Dresden, of The Dresden Files.

We're sure you knew them all, except for the name of that Jane with the antique shoppe. But this quiz – which you should share with your less savory acquaintances – should put you in the mood for Halloween.

The Rocky Horror Fashion Show.
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