The Post Quiz: Bug Lore - Answers
Created | Updated Sep 28, 2014
Stop swatting. It's distracting.
Bug Lore: Answers
We hope this quiz didn't make you itch. Some of us get nervous even thinking about insects. These should stay safely on the page. And they're fascinating little critturs.
Here are the answers to the multiple choice.
- Ladybirds (Am. 'ladybugs') are named for…
- The Blessed Virgin.
- Australia solved a major cattle-ranching problem by importing…
- Dung beetles.
- The Parktown Prawn is…
- Related to the cricket.
- You should keep your pet stick insects in a…
- Vivarium.
- A bee orchid grows flowers…
- Shaped like bees, to fool them into pollinating.
- Pitcher plants use nectar to catch insects by making them…
- Get drunk and dizzy.
- In China, it is possible to bet on fighting…
- Crickets.
- Cymothoa exigua, a louse, lives by replacing a fish's…
- Tongue.
- In the animal kingdom, the most human deaths are caused by the bites of…
- Mosquitoes.
- The oldest documented use of the word 'bug' to describe a hardware malfunction goes back to…
- Thomas Edison.
We will admit that the 'ewww!' factor on this quiz is pretty high. We recommend sharing it with ten-year-olds.