A Conversation for Port Sunlight, Wirral, UK

Nice piece of local history

Post 1


Levers was such an important company around here, glad this piece of our history has made it to here!
smiley - biggrin

Not sure why the link to Liverpool is necessary though?

Nice piece of local history

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Thank you smiley - biggrin

Yes, there's plenty of heritage in the area, so I was pleased to write this Entry (and I enjoyed exploring Port Sunlight in order to do the research, too smiley - ok)

Good point about Liverpool not being relevant - I shall remove it smiley - ok

Nice piece of local history

Post 3


And it'll be a nice easy one to illustrate for a change!smiley - winkeye

Nice piece of local history

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

Yes indeed smiley - biggrin I took photos as I explored, so this Entry should look rather good if/when it's Edited smiley - ok

Nice piece of local history

Post 5


It is a very pretty village. Done me out of a photoshoot down the road now! Lol

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