A Conversation for May Create: The Asparagus Is Up
Mmm, asparagus...
SashaQ - happysad Started conversation May 12, 2014
I like asparagus a lot A82339356 even though I can smell the effect it has on me...
I'm a fan of innuendo as well even though most of it goes over my head
Generally a more delicate style of humour
Mmm, asparagus...
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted May 12, 2014
Thanks for adding the link. (You'll notice I stole the picture.)
Asparagus is yummy - and I know what you mean about innuendo.
There was a US TV show, I think it was a knock-off of something British, called 'Whose Line Is It, Anyway?' One game they played was saying everything as if it were an innuendo. Pretty funny, really.
If you know what I mean, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, he said knowingly...
Mmm, asparagus...
SashaQ - happysad Posted May 12, 2014
Yes, that is an excellent picture by Malabarista
'Whose Line is it Anyway?' is hilarious! I've seen a few of the episodes with Drew Carey as the host with the ubiquitous Ryan Stiles, on freeview, but I did enjoy it when the version with Clive Anderson and Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie and Greg Proops was on every week some years ago. Some games were better than others, but there was always at least one that made me !
Mmm, asparagus...
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted May 12, 2014
My favourite was the filmnoir...
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Mmm, asparagus...
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