The Post Quiz: Weather Songs - Answers
Created | Updated Apr 20, 2014
Sing along with us, 'The ants go marching one by one, down to the earth to get out of the rain…
Songs with Weather in: Answers

Did you sing along with this quiz? We hope you did. Did anything stump you? You might want to do more research on weather songs. Do you have any favourites? Share them with us below – lots of room to put in some links.
How many of these weather-related song lyrics did you know?
Fill in the blanks.
- Never saw the sun shinin' so bright, never saw things…goin' so right. According to Irving Berlin in Blue Skies.
- The answer, my friend, is Blowin' in the Wind. As any folkie knows.
- Who'll stop the rain? Creedence wanted to know.
- I wish it would rain, and wash my face clean. (Nanci Griffith.)..
- A foggy day in London Town, made me fret… (Hint: The British Museum had lost its charm.) Fred Astaire sang that, back when London was believed to be foggy by gullible Americans.
- Ice cream castles in the air, and feathered canyons everywhere, I've looked at clouds that way. But we've seen it from Both Sides Now.
- Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade? Don't mess with Barbra Streisand.
- Can't go on, everything I had is gone, Stormy Weather… Oldie but goodie.
- The worst is over now, the morning sun is shining like a Red Rubber Ball. Things were different in the 60s, as Paul Simon knew.
- Ole Buttermilk Sky, Can't you see my little donkey and me? We're as happy as a Christmas tree…Hoagy Carmichael had a gift for these things.
Did your musical weather knowledge hold up? Share this with your friends. Then hum a few of these tunes as you compose your next weather-related Guide Entry.