A Conversation for Venerable Researchers: Orcus
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Jun 4, 2014
When I was finding vict... interviewees, one of my criteria was that the person needed to be active on h2g2 at the time I was hunting I actually have a handful to finish writing up (my self-imposed deadlines are all gone
) but, if you really want to be interviewed, we can arrange it (though, to be fair, I'd feel the need to get the others up first). I'm pretty sure I still have my email on my PS...
I'm not really here Posted Jun 5, 2014
I'm not sure when you started writing them, but this was published in March 2014, I've posted on and off throughout 2012, and was really much more active again (which might have been your criteria) from June 2013, which was only a couple of months after these started and well before you got to Orcus's number.
It's really not nice to be left out as if you didn't exist.
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Jun 5, 2014
OK, I messed up. I do that. A lot. I admit it. I apologize. Evidently I'm human, and searching for a week was not long enough. Digging back in my emails, it looks like I started getting email responses April 10 last year, which means I started posting on PSs and h2g2's FB page requesting leads a day or 2 before that. I was sending the questions out up to the 19th of April. I did not send out any more questionairres after that (so, yes, answers have been sitting in my Inbox (well, my h2g2 folder) for over a year now--no, I'm not proud of that, but life has been happening). Orcus sent his answers to me on April 12, 2013. I arranged my submission order by Unumber, not by response order--otherwise, his would've been the first posted.
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