A Conversation for Writing Right with Dmitri: Organising Your Thoughts
good luck
Peanut Posted Feb 3, 2014
Yes good luck Dmitri and
Mr Evans sounds like a very cool teacher and the 'Ye Gods and little fishes' make me
As you know I don't write much but if I am called upon to write an essay my bibliography is my outline.
It goes like this read, read, read, until my head is going to explode. While I am reading I am referencing, which sources explain what key points best under 'useful' and the ones that don't put down as 'read'
I knock up the useful list into some sort of order and that is my outline.
good luck
Peanut Posted Feb 3, 2014
Well as you say it is a start,
and for me somewhat of a touch stone when I have
-the odd rain of thought
- or follow up interesting tangents to a nth degree
-and then there is just the odd 'distraction(blur)avoidance' tactic of this is really useful but I don't know how yet, while my brain is going I know exactly what I want to say in this introduction but I just can't put it bloody succinctly arghh
good luck
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Feb 6, 2014
Oh, no, it's a several-month project.
But I got one document finished last night, and had a grat sense of satisfaction.
good luck
minorvogonpoet Posted Feb 6, 2014
It's that middle section that's hardest. When you've got past the excitement of the beginning but not reached the satisfaction of the end. It's easy to or feel
And, at least in fiction, it's not as easy to say what the middle section is supposed to do.
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good luck
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