A Conversation for Rod's Green Man - Part 15
Which tool?
Peanut Started conversation Feb 6, 2014
Will it be?
at your pocket money allocation although not at the fact it doesn't stretch to three tools.
Any chance of putting one on a birthday list?
It is coming along just fine, I'm am glad you are spending time with him
*leaves a g+t*
Which tool?
Rod Posted Feb 6, 2014
Hi Peanut,
Gottanewtool, coming up shortly in Part 16.
referring to the 4th tool from the left in the 2nd pic of Part 4
The new one's a little more sharply bent, a little narrower blade (7mm vs 10) and the curve of the tip is a bit deeper.
I shall keep that g+t on ice until this evening.
Which tool?
Peanut Posted Feb 7, 2014
I have been enjoying the virtual tour of your shed as well as seeing the Green Man progress
Hope you enjoyed your G+T, now that is one pic I haven't seen, is there one, if not you could always dress up in disguise, if you are not keen about putting pictures of yourself online
Which tool?
Rod Posted Feb 7, 2014
Perhaps this will do, Peanut?
(I can't check that it works 'cos Flash Player won't let me)
Which tool?
Peanut Posted Feb 7, 2014
still *looks closely* I don't see a g+t in sight
although is it breakfast time your way?
because that would explain it
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Which tool?
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