A Conversation for Manchester Meet 7th June 2014
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Superfrenchie Posted Apr 27, 2014
Pierce and Pastey :
That's 10pm at the airport, I then need to get into town and check in, so not sure when I'll *actually* be able to go out and drink.
Although a possibility would be to get in touch with you when I've done that, and see if / where I can join you.
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Apr 27, 2014
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Apr 27, 2014
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Apr 27, 2014
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Apr 27, 2014
Well, I *was* asking where the pre-pre-pre-meet was going to be held (and Sunday's after party), but I think I'll be too tired to do anything till Th*rsday anyway, so let's take it from there
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Bald Bloke Posted Apr 27, 2014
There's a lot of places to go, not sure you have time for a proper tour.
Must sort out my hotel bookings so I know when I'm getting up there.
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Pastey Posted Apr 27, 2014
Well, I shall be around and happy to act as a local host and tour guide for those arriving early or staying later
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 27, 2014
I'm arriving thing I think... err, I think anyhow... Just as soon as I get organised and figure out transport and stuff
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Baron Grim Posted Apr 27, 2014
I'll arrive Thing as well, but following an intercontinental flight, I'm not sure whether I'll be beat, or still on Texas time and up anyway. Most likely I'll be both, so I'll play it by ear.
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Pastey Posted May 13, 2014
The venue for the prequel is booked! We have the cider bar in the Crown & Kettle!
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted May 13, 2014
They have a dedicated cider bar? I've not drunk cider since I was.... oo 13 probably
ahh... nope... tell a lie... shakespears head.... I'm sure I was forced* to drink someones so-called cider...
(prob one of those aweful new funny ones...
well, new-ish...)
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Pastey Posted May 14, 2014
The pub also sells some pretty fine beers too
Nowhere in Manchester is too far to walk, I made it from the Palace to the Crown & Kettle in ten minutes last night
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted May 14, 2014
Oh. I thought I recognised the name of that place when I was in there last week.
I think I left *before* being asked to go, but I might need to wear a disguise...
The Prequel - I'm In!!!
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted May 14, 2014
So now it's pre-pre-meet Th*rsday in Port Street, pre-meet Friday in The Crown & Kettle and main meet Saturday in Kro Picadilly?
Where exactly in Port Street? what's the name of the bar?
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The Prequel - I'm In!!!
- 21: Superfrenchie (Apr 27, 2014)
- 22: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Apr 27, 2014)
- 23: Superfrenchie (Apr 27, 2014)
- 24: Hati (Apr 27, 2014)
- 25: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Apr 27, 2014)
- 26: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 27, 2014)
- 27: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Apr 27, 2014)
- 28: Pastey (Apr 27, 2014)
- 29: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Apr 27, 2014)
- 30: Bald Bloke (Apr 27, 2014)
- 31: Pastey (Apr 27, 2014)
- 32: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 27, 2014)
- 33: Baron Grim (Apr 27, 2014)
- 34: Pastey (May 13, 2014)
- 35: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (May 13, 2014)
- 36: Baron Grim (May 13, 2014)
- 37: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (May 13, 2014)
- 38: Pastey (May 14, 2014)
- 39: Secretly Not Here Any More (May 14, 2014)
- 40: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (May 14, 2014)
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