The Post Quiz: Famous Firsts - Answers

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Famous Firsts

A man in Georgina clothing with a bag of money stands in front of the gallows.

Oh, so many firsts, so little time to learn about them all. Check the answers below.

  1. John Smeaton, 1768. The first civil engineer.
  2. Arthur Wharton, 1886. First black professional footballer.
  3. Yuri Gagarin, 1961. First man in space.
  4. Felicette, 1963. First cat in space.
  5. Isabella Andreini, 1578. First famous actress.
  6. Neil Armstrong, 1969. First man to set foot on the moon.
  7. Jonathan Wild, 1725. London's first organised crime boss.
  8. William Banting, 1863. First popular diet guru.
  9. Chris Hadfield, 2012. Recorded the first song in space.
  10. Paul Verhoeven, 1996. First winner to personally accept a Golden Raspberry Award. For Showgirls.)

You got them all, right? Why not consider adding to the EG's list of firsts during January's challenge?

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