Created | Updated Mar 26, 2014
Another thing that has always puzzled me is, you know when the TV show host introduces the contestants to the show, does he ask “what do they do for a living” why? Will it make any difference to the outcome of the show, or will it make any difference to the answers the contestant gives? So why do they ask that question, it normally comes right after the show host has asked the contestant their age, which brings me back to the first question.
I was at a reunion recently, which is unusual for me, as I am not a good “mixer” with people these days, and haven’t been for quite some time now, but I went along anyway, as I was curious to meet some of my old ship mates from 30 odd years ago.
I found myself being asked, when I met some of them” what do you do for a living” or, what did you do before you retired. This confused me in a way, as I thought, what has that got to do with the here and now, so thirty or so years since I last saw them?
Was it because they wanted to place me in a pigeon hole, befitting my status in society, so that they could feel superior to me? Or would it make them feel threatened if I had said I was a Iawler or surgeon, or air line pilot. One thing I do know is, that when I told them that I had spent 14 years of that time as a welder, that seemed to end their curiosity straight away, and any interest they had in me goes,and they would wonder away and continue to mingle.
I sometimes wondered that if they knew that I earned more back in the eighties, than they did at present, if that would have answered their question to their satisfaction? Mind you it would have been hard for those types of people to put us in little boxes, according to our class, trade or profession, when we were all wearing evening suits.
As I mentioned earlier, I don’t go out much these days, due to the difficulty I have with being amongst a crowd of people, but then again, I suppose it’s the type of people I find myself with, that makes the difference. It was an honour to be part of the crew of such a prestigious ship, but that was a long time ago, and within myself I don’t believe I have changed that much over the years,or maybe it’s just my attitude that has changed as I got older.
Smudger. 12/13.