A Conversation for h2g2 Art Class - Gender and Photography 101
photography 101
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Started conversation Jan 6, 2014
Dmitri, I rarely comment on your writing, yet I should. Often I find myself nodding, but have nothing to say apart from platitudes. However this piece really says something important for our community. I'll see if I can engineer a wider audience.
Thanks for your thoughts, and for sharing them with us.
photography 101
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 6, 2014
Thanks, Lanzababy! It's good to know people are reading.
Next week, we're going to have quite a collection of personal accounts from h2g2ers for the January Create Challenge. I hope we'll be adding to our bank of stories and pictures for a long time to come.
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photography 101
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