Cute Critturs

2 Conversations

Take time out for cuteness.

Cute Critturs

Christmas is coming. As any of you with small children know, it's the time of the year when even lean, mean Jason Statham fans go all soft and sentimental. And every ad on TV has a cute animal on it somewhere. Here at the h2g2 Post, we didn't want to be lacking in the cuteness department. So, we've combing through Willem's Wildlife paintings to bring you the most adorable critturs on the planet.

Take a few minutes off from killing those online monsters. Lean back and say, 'Aww~' Now, aren't you in the Christmas mood already?


  • A pair of klipspringers. Can you say Bambi? We knew you could.
  • A riverine rabbit Bunnies!
  • A colony of meerkats. Not genets, not genets at all.
    Don't you wish your neighbours were as nice?
  • You don't need to go to another planet to find lovable, strange creatures.
  • Cuter than Bambi!
  • We want one. Right now.
  • Okay, we don't want one. But we want to give one to Uncle Joe, so we can visit it.
  • No, it's not a real cat. Who cares? It's beautiful.
  • Crombec by Willem Second only to furry creatures on the cuteness scale are little birds. This one should land on a fairy princess, for maximum 'aw'.
  • Red Bush Squirrel by Willem Squirrels are, too, cute. And if you don't feed them, you deserve to get thrown out of the Nature Society.
  • Bushbaby by Willem It's official: According to Willem, our artist, this is the cutest mammal in the world!
  • Parktown Prawn  by Willem Also according to Willem, this creature deserves love, too. Stop being so lookist, people! All the creatures on this planet merit our respect and care. Think environmentally!

There. We hope you've enjoyed this parade of cute animals. But remember – nature isn't only for Christmas. Our biosphere needs loving care 365 days of the year.

To learn more about these lovely animals, and to see even more fauna and flora, visit The Colours of Wildlife Archive.

Now, don't say we never gave you anything for Christmas!

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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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