A Conversation for The h2g2 Post 06.01.14


Post 1

Bengal Tiger

Hi Dmitri

"Sherlock" is aired in India as well. Just saw Season 3 episode 2 yesterday night. It was awesome smiley - smiley
Honestly speaking, I was pretty apprehensive about the idea of Sherlock Holmes using a laptop and tabs, looking for data over the net, and Watson writing blogs, me being a conservative Holmes fan... But the more I watched "Sherlock", the more I got glued to it. And, now after watching all the episodes aired till date, I'm fascinated! Though it's a different ambiebce altogether, but it still carries off the same Sherlock Holmes flavour. Benedict Cumberbatch did a wonderful job. He's no Jeremy Brett, but he's nothing less either. Hats off!

My favourite... the battle of wits between Holmes and Irene Adler ... 'A Scandal in Belgravia'.

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