One Of Those Days

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Do you ever get one of those days where you find yourself just drifting away back in time remembering times of way back in what seems to be from another life, a long time ago.

You seem totally oblivious of what is going on round about you, and although you are in the present, yet you don’t seem hear or see what is happening all around you.

I had such a day today, and not matter what I saw and heard on TV, or round about me, everything I saw, gave me flashback to another time, so far back that you are totally amazed that you could even recall them.

Not the violent and gory nightmare types where you wake up in a cold sweat, haunted by bad memories. The ones that you get when you suffer from PTSD, but the more pleasant, fonder memories, that leave you with that faint smile on your face, that you hope no one notices, as you feel embarrassed, just for having that smile, and such pleasant memories.

They are so private you don’t want anyone to know you are having them, and the last thing you want to do, is to share them.

I was out in our back garden watching our youngest two year old Granddaughter running around, and the smell of newly cut grass wafted over me from a neighbours garden, and my mind went straight back to a time years ago when I was really young, and I used to run errands for an old lady called Miss Jenkins,, who I have already written about in another snippet, a few years ago.

She used to have this wonderful garden, that was beautifully kept, with a twisting grass path, that lead to a lovely white summer house, at the bottom of her garden. She was always dressed in Victorian style attire, with whale bone collars that she used to tell us that they were there, to keep your head high at all times, and to show dignity, and Miss Jenkins had that in abundance.

Those memories, and many more like them, passed through my head today, they were all so pleasant ,that the thought of coming back to reality, did not appeal to me at all. As I sat there in the garden, enjoying the sun, and having a smoke along with my favourite tipple, a nice cup of tea, the sound of our granddaughter laughing and giggling, while she ran around, brought me quietly down to earth.

I have had this feeling before, that I managed to express in the poems that I used to write at that time. Yet this is the first time I have tried to express it in words alone.

When we came back into the house, my wife asked me if I enjoyed my time out in the back garden with our granddaughter, I replied that I had, but I never told her that I really wasn’t there, I was miles away, back in a time gone by, yet I still had the faint distant smile on my face, that came back with me.

I suppose you could say, that I had just had, one of those days.
Smudger. 7/13.

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