The Post Quiz: Vegetables in the Edited Guide
Created | Updated Jul 28, 2013
It's summer, the courgette is on the vine. Check your knowledge of the healthy stuff.
The Post Quiz: Vegetables in the Edited Guide
In the US, 'Broccoligate' has erupted all over again, and with it, the never-ending discussion of which veggies are 'elitist'.
Back when George HW Bush was president, he caused a flap when he refused to eat broccoli. He said he didn't LIKE it, and he didn't have to EAT it, because he was president, so there.
The most recent uproar was caused when current president Barack Obama told a bunch of schoolchildren that his favourite food was broccoli. His political opponents accused him of lying to innocent children. But we suspect he really DOES like broccoli. Why not? It's tasty.
How much do you know about veggies? Check your knowledge here, with help from the Edited Guide.
Match the veggie to the relevant fact about it.
Vegetable | Fact |
Celery | From Latin braccium. |
Beetroot | Aussies call it a pumpkin. |
Broccoli | Aka zucchini. |
Radish | Used to make sarmale. |
Yuca | Beta vulgaris. |
Butternut squash | Contains tryptophan. |
Courgette | Roman aphrodisiac. |
Cabbage | Red-skinned edible root. |
Spinach | 5th Doctor's fave. |
Asparagus | 'Boring', turniplike root vegetable. |
Think you harvested them all? Click on the tasty veg below for the answers.