A Conversation for Meteorites: A Love Story - So What Does It All Mean?
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Jun 25, 2013
This is why I love astronomy. And why I could never be a professional. I love the variety out there, from space cats to a penguin galaxy guarding an egg galaxy. And supermoons and pending comets.
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jun 25, 2013
Yeah, it's all so wonderfully varied, but I cannot imagine doing, for instance, what Tycho Brahe did.
Spending years and years taking all those painstaking measurements...it takes dogged dedication, is what it does.
I'm glad you enjoyed this one.
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Jun 25, 2013
Tycho Brahe noooooooo Siree. I can't do physics
either. I just like all the pretty images and write about them so the layperson can understand!
One day I will catch up with the (your) backlog
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jun 25, 2013
Do you know the poet Alfred Noyes? Not personally, he was before your time...anyhow, he wrote 'The Highwayman', we all learned that in school...
But he wrote a beautiful book-length poem called 'Watchers of the Sky'. About astronomers. You'd love it. I remember a line about Tycho Brahe falling in love. 'And with a look that Aprilled all his blood...'
Back when I was in school, I used to hunt for all his books of poems, I thought he was great, mostly out of print now, I'll bet.
Anyway, his book was the first place I heard of Tycho Brahe, not in boring Physics class.
So those of us who like all the pretty images are doing something useful. So there.
Hah! Found it, thank you, Gutenberg:
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