A Conversation for The Post Quiz: Spot The Mistake - Answers
8. Oxford Comma
Nosebagbadger {Ace} Started conversation May 20, 2013
In 8.
"Lord of the Rings, 'Harry Potter and the Ugly Dragon', and Ender's Game. "
I would say that the comma before "and Ender's" is unncessary - it's not a use of the oxford comma, so it should just be an "and"
Well, at least that's my view - I also noticed the electric at the bottom and assumed it was deliberate
8. Oxford Comma
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted May 20, 2013
I knew this quiz would get dissenting views.
I've been faced with that comma controversy for years. I always go by the local stylesheet, but I was raised to use that comma.
8. Oxford Comma
Nosebagbadger {Ace} Posted May 20, 2013
bah humbug and such like
You should have put in a "should of" and seen who noticed - you talk about being raised to use commas your way - me and my siblings now have an automatic requirement to correct people who use it to "should have", which none of us can stop - despite the fact that I don't really care if people use should of
8. Oxford Comma
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted May 20, 2013
I forgot about that one.
When I was a kid in Memphis, we had textbooks written in the Northeast US. These books warned against grammar errors we'd never heard of. 'Don't confuse let and leave,' they said. We scratched our heads. They didn't tell us not to drop our g's, or say, 'I'm a-fixin' to do that,' or use ain't.
See, when we weren't speaking standard English, we were babbling a horrible dialect that was an amalgam of border English and Ulster Scots. English textbooks from the NE US were aimed at people whose grandparents spoke Polish or German or Russian, etc...
So we moved to Pittsburgh. And the first thing I heard one neighbour kid say to another was 'Hey! Leave go of my bike, willya?'
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8. Oxford Comma
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