A Conversation for The Stewarts. James I And VI, Comes To The English Throne

A87793960 - James Ist, The First Stuart King of England

Post 101


Sounds like a plan smiley - ok

A87793960 - James Ist, The First Stuart King of England

Post 102


All amended smiley - cheers

A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 103


Page Turner:
Entry: James 1st, The First Stuart King of England - A87793960
Author: bobstafford - U3151547

Sorry, the first sentence should start 'James VI' not 'James IV'.

I think that we need a short sentence in the 'Path to the Throne of England' section to link James VI to Margaret. We've had Henry Tudor marry Elizabeth of York and have a daughter, Margaret, who was James V's wife and mother to James V. We need a short sentence to state that James V was succeeded by Mary Queen of Scots and James VI was her son.

Another bit to look at:

'Mary's forces were defeated, and this led to his mother’s flight from Scotland when he was just over a year old. She landed in Workington in Cumbria and was taken to Carlisle Castle where she was held.' Do you mean 'Mary's forces were defeated, and this led to her flight from Scotland when her son, the young James, was just over a year old. She landed in Workington in Cumbria and was taken to Carlisle Castle where she was held.'


A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 104


Thanks please check the edit and see if that covers your suggestionsmiley - smiley

A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 105


Why does Margaret have a separate paragraph within the bulleted list?

A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 106


No real reason apart from being the one of the subjects of the entry smiley - cheers
Changed as suggested it looks better smiley - ok

A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 107


Did you want to change the sentence:
'Margaret, Queen of Scots, wife of King James IV and mother of King James V.'
' Margaret, Queen of Scots, wife of King James IV, mother of King James V and grandmother of Mary, Queen of Scots'

The next section states that James VI was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots – but you've not explained who Mary, Queen of Scots was or her relationship to Henry VII and how that meant James was heir to the throne of England.


A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 108


I've read through and it is an enjoyable, historical entry.

Are you planning on finishing more Stuart ones?


A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 109


I will defiantly held back as PR was slow now we have a blue bottle on the case they will arrive soon.smiley - biggrin

A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 110


Please check the points raised in your last edit post have been dealt with please confirm all is ok smiley - smiley

A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 111


Yep, the Margaret section is much better and very informative. smiley - smiley


A87793960 - James 1st, The First Stuart King of England

Post 112


smiley - biggrin good just what I wanted, thanks for your good work smiley - ok

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Post 113

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Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 114


smiley - applauseCongratulations!
Just think – James VI may have come to the English throne, but he never got to h2g2's front pagesmiley - winkeye


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 115


smiley - ok

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 116


smiley - bubbly

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