A Conversation for Meteorites - A Love Story: The Enlightenment
No rocks in the sky?
Willem Started conversation Apr 22, 2013
It's funny to me that Lavoisier would say that about rocks needing to be in the sky for them to fall out of the sky. Even if rocks don't inhabit the sky there are ways in which they can get up there. If I was him after reading enough reports I would have started wondering if there was a secret mega-catapult being tested somewhere.
No rocks in the sky?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 22, 2013
Cool theory. I like that one.
It's like the theory about other falling things - fish, birds, turtles, etc. Localised tornados, etc.
I'm always amused/bemused by 'scientists' whose answer to something they don't understand is to accuse everybody else of making it up.
Rather than saying, 'Hey! Maybe it's just that none of us knows what we're looking at yet.'
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No rocks in the sky?
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