The Tractor Game

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A game for long journeys in the car, or on the train.

The game

The Tractor Game is very simple and great fun, all you need to do is spot tractors from your car / train window and score points to see who is the winner.

Scoring Points

You can make up your own points system, but the one we use goes as follows:

- Red Tractor = 3 pts

- Green Tractor = 2 pts

- Blue / other coloured tractor = 1 pt

- Any of the above with a trailer attached = 1 extra pt

- Any tractor moving = 1 extra pt

- Combine Harvester = 5 pts

- Combine Harvester moving = 7 pts


If you see a stationary green tractor in a farmyard, it scores 2pts

If you see a blue tractor pulling a trailer across a field, it scores 3 pts

A red tractor with a trailer moving across a field scores 5 pts

And so on until the end of your journey....


The person who sees the tractor first scores the points

If playing in the car, it is usually easier to split into teams: left hand side v right hand side with each team scoring points for their side of the road.

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