A Conversation for St Catherine's Hill Hampshire

Peer Review: A87789721 - Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire

Post 1


Entry: Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire - A87789721
Author: bobstafford - U3151547

please comment

A87789721 - Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire

Post 2


Wasn't this previously in Peer Review and recommended? It is showing in <./>comingup</.> and was recommended here: F22132910?thread=8301184

Can I ask why you have re-submitted this?smiley - headhurts


A87789721 - Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire

Post 3


Removed posted in errorsmiley - erm

A87789721 - Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire

Post 4


By the way have you a photograph of Olivers Battery you could honor the entry with. smiley - winkeye

A87789721 - Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire

Post 5


BB I had edited it to avoid confusion and have altered the name to the proper name of St Catherine's hill and pinpointed Olivers battery earthwork more precisely. Any comments

A87789721 - Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire

Post 6


Yes, I've got some photos, and a nice one I took from the cycle path.

I've left a note for the sub-editors to contact you about the changes you wish to make since the article was recommended. smiley - smiley


A87789721 - Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire

Post 7


Marvelous smiley - ok

A87789721 - Olivers Battery Hill Fort Hampshire

Post 8


What do you think of the ammendmentsmiley - smiley

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