The Post Quiz: Religious Pop Songs - Answers

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It's Easter season. How many religious pop songs did you know? Sing them while hunting for those religious eggs.

Religious Pop Songs: Answers

George Harrison

Bet you were surprised at how many you knew – especially if you thought you were being particularly unspiritual by listening to pop music. Sneaky, those lyrics.

Matching the line to the song it occurs in.

LineSong Title
  1. 'Hare Rama.'
  2. 'If we all say a prayer that the world will be free. . .'
  3. '. . . Someone in the Great Somewhere hears every word. . . '
  4. 'What would you ask, if you had just one question?'
  5. 'She tied you to a kitchen chair. . . '
  6. 'When I let go, and fly to the sun...'
  7. 'You can talk all you want make it sound nice and sweet. . .'
  8. 'It's been used and broken and only comes in blue. . . '
  9. '...Make your tune, for none may sing it just as you do. . . '
  10. 'I met you before the fall of Rome. . . '
  1. My Sweet Lord. George Harrison.
  2. One Little Candle. Oldie.
  3. I Believe. Also an oldie, not necessarily
    a goodie.
  4. What If God Was One of Us? Joan Osborne.
    'Just a stranger on the bus. . . '
  5. Hallelujah. Leonard Cohen.
  6. Bright Angel, by Susan Osborn, who shares.
  7. Love Is Surrender. (Didn't know it was religious? Ha!
    It was composed by Ralph Carmichael, who penned the Billy Graham Crusade
    favourite, 'He's Everything to Me'.)
  8. Broken Things. (By Julie Miller.)
  9. Skybird. Neil Diamond. That seagull is spiritual.
  10. It's All Been Done. Bare-Naked Ladies.
    Reincarnation is spiritual, too.

How spiritual were you? Get ready for Easter by having a listening-fest a la Youtube. Or go sing some Gregorian chant – we don't care.

The Easter Bunny.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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