The Post Quiz: Near-Earth Objects
Created | Updated Feb 10, 2013
What do you know about. . .
Near-Earth Objects
Are you going to hide indoors on 15 February? Do you fear killer asteroids?
Answer these questions, and we'll tell you how big a 'fraidy cat you are.
Short answers.
- Name three varieties of NEO.
- What did Shoemaker-Levy do to Jupiter?
- If you were born under a wandering star, what does that mean?
- What official explanation was given starting in 1999 for the appearance of a trio of UFOs over the UK?
- What did the ancient Egyptians do with meteorites?
- What is that spooky star on the Bayeux Tapestry?
- What NEOs answered the question, 'Why is there a hole in our solar system?'
- On what unlucky day do frightened people think that Apophis will strike the Earth?
- Why does the Moon have such a pitted complexion?
- If you want to see more of these NEOs more clearly, what initiative should you support?
We bet you could see those answers without a telescope – sort of naked-eye quiz-taking. Just in case, though, click on the picture below for answers.