A Conversation for Star Trek Trivia, Intermediate Level: Answers

Don't forget Dowager Empress Morella of the Centauri Republic

Post 1


That was Majel Barrett Roddenberry too. (Wasn't in Trek, though, of course...)

(9 out of 10. Should've known anything really screwy sounding was from Enterprise. Hey ho...

Don't forget Dowager Empress Morella of the Centauri Republic

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Wow. What show was that? smiley - bigeyes

I saw her in Charlotte once, Ms Barrett. She had a very funny story about filming that TNG episode where they were all in the mud bath. smiley - laugh

Don't forget Dowager Empress Morella of the Centauri Republic

Post 3


It was in Babylon 5 (don't ask how a Republic can have an Empress, by the way, they never did explain). She gets the plum job of playing a seeress who tells two regular characters they are both going to be Emperor one day: one after the other is murdered...

Walter Koenig's in it too, as a semi-regular bad guy: and is, on the whole, much better than he was as Chekov, in either the TV show or the movies.

Don't forget Dowager Empress Morella of the Centauri Republic

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl He would have to be.

I looked that up - not being familiar with Babylon 5, that threw me.

But then, she was the Keeper of some old rings before. I think she's good at ad hoc mythology. smiley - rofl

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