A Conversation for Freebie Film Tip #6: Boop-Boop-A-Doop, and Other Shocking Things
Good inspiration!
Malabarista - now with added pony Started conversation Nov 7, 2012
These came at just the right time - we're currently doing a roleplaying game set in 1935, so this is excellent source material
Good inspiration!
Willem Posted Nov 7, 2012
Thanks from me too! Again this was one I could watch. I thought as I watched it, heck, was this the nineteen thirties?! The animation is very nicey done though really nutty, and I wondered what would the animation world of today have been like if the Hays code had been a bit less restrictive?
Good inspiration!
Willem Posted Nov 7, 2012
Oh just to be clear I meant the above in relation to the 'Old Man of the Mountain', but I did watch the other Betty Boop one which is also nice, and Bimbo's Initiation as well, which is really loony!
Good inspiration!
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 7, 2012
I know what you mean, Willem. There was a lot of surrealistic cartooning back in the 1920s and early 1930s - I remember being blown away by early 'Popeye' comics, which are quite weird.
I wish they hadn't changed, then I would dislike animation.
Good inspiration!
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 7, 2012
Sorry, that last sentence should read, 'then I wouldn't dislike animation'.
I wish Fleischer had beaten Disney.
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Good inspiration!
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