A Conversation for A-Z of White

Peer Review: A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 1


Entry: A-Z of White - A87767275
Author: Teasswill - U185992

This is intended as a companion piece to A87740391 A to Z of Black.
Over to you guys.

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Teasswill!

I like it! smiley - ok

Perhaps you could include 'Whiteboard' as an alternative teaching aid to Blackboard. Also useful in busy offices, too smiley - biggrin

lil x

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Not sure about the use of the word "Caucasians". That's an outdated term from the time when they thought that the race you refer to originated from the Caucasus mountains. It's common in America, but I've never heard it used in Europe.

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 4

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Good addition;

I'm not sure I understand 'goodies' in the clothing section. If you mean heroes or good people I would place them after deities.

A couple suggestions;

White Russian is also a cocktail similar to a 'Black Russian' , but with an addition of cream or milk.

White Squall - A sudden storm at sea without the dark clouds usually associated with a storm. I have also heard it used as a blinding wall of rain in a storm.

smiley - cheers
Fsmiley - dolphinS

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

A typical white dwarf is lightly larger -- that should be "slightly".

You could mention that the white dwarf is the extremely hot core of a star after all the outer layers have burned away and all the fuel is gone. It shines in the same way that a piece of iron in the blacksmith's fire glows white, because of its extreme heat.

Flora and Fauna often have names including the word white -- I think this use of "flora and fauna" is not immediately obvious. I think you'd be better saying "Both animals and plants". You could give an example of each.

a Summer night in such latitudes when it never becomes dark -- this sounds clumsy to me. I'd say
a Summer night in those latitudes where it never becomes dark

You have whiteout twice, once under O and again under W. You don't need it under W.

I think you should try something else for U, as uPVC is really just something that is white. We don't want this to be a list of white things. On the other hand, I can't really think of anything else, other than "unicorn".

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 6

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Traditionally Navy Sailors, and hospital Nurses wear a White Uniform?

smiley - cheers
Fsmiley - dolphinS

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 7


Excellent entry well done.

a possable addition

White diamonds traditionaly have a better value than yellow, blue or green.

good work smiley - ok

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi Teasswill, well done for putting this together!smiley - ok

"White paintor colouring" under "P" requires a space between paint and or.

smiley - tea
Would you consider including camouflage, possibly under "winter white" (I know you have already mentioned ermine, which is the highly-prized winter coat of the stoat). There are many creatures which do not hibernate but need to change their fur/feathers to match the snowy conditions to give them a fighting chance of evading predators, how clever is that? I can think of Arctic foxes, mountain hares and the ptarmigan if you want to cite examples.

Good luck with this!smiley - ok

smiley - galaxysmiley - diva

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 9


Many thanks to all - have done some tweaking.

I left out the white diamonds because apparently pink ones are the most valuable.

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 10


This is very good. It must have taken a lot of research to put together this article. smiley - applause

I wondered whether the association of white with purity and hope was confined to Western cultures, or whether it's more general?

Is it worth including 'white wine' under 'w'? White wine isn't, of course, white but more of a pale yellow colour. It is made from a range of green or yellowish grapes, though I think the juice from red grapes is included in some white wines.smiley - bubbly

A87767275 - A-Z of White

Post 11


This entry looks all white to me smiley - smiley

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Post 12

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Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - applause

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Post 14

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Well done, Teasswill!! smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

lil x

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Post 15


Bravo Teasswill smiley - applause

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Post 16


Good job smiley - applause

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 17

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - bubbly Congratulations! smiley - bubbly

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Post 18


smiley - ta

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