And Now, A Word from Emily Dickinson 
No, that's not Ms Dickinson. She was a pretty lady, called 'the belle of Amherst'. Amherst is a town in Massachusetts, USA. Emily knew about fall, so we're letting her supply this week's headers from one of her poems. Emily's conclusion was, wear some jewellery to be fashionable, since nature's in its glory. We strongly suspect two things: that Emily would have been at home on h2g2 (she was shy and imaginative), and that she would have loved AE Hill's essay on creativity in this issue. Please welcome AE to these pages, and get a discussion going on these ideas.
Lots of Stuff has come in across the virtual transom this week, and there's fun news, as well. Pastey, our Pastey, has turned 38. Bless him, he's getting positively grave and ancient, what with all that white hair. Be sure to let him know you think he's acting remarkably spry.
What have we got for you this week, besides creativity? Er, let's see. . . Galaxy Babe remembering the moon landing. Beatrice in London, capturing a breathtaking moment and some real fun. Deke struggling with his kayak (we're on your side, mate). Phoenician Trader wondering at York Minster. The Prof being the Prof, and jwf being jwf. A marvellous crocodile. A quiz, a photographic oddity. . . in short, the sort of entertaining and informative Stuff you've come to expect from us.
Please remember: keep thinking about Halloween. We're collecting fiction, essays, poetry, photos, cartoons, whatever you come up with.
That's it...oh, wait. No, it's not. What do I see in my in-box? Aha! A note from Pastey! He's begging me to share some news. Here it is:
STOP PRESS. Halloween Ghoulish Fun.
Coming soon to h2g2, an extravaganza courtesy of the hard-working Editors.
They're putting together a mystery for you to take part in, be amused by and hopefully solve.
In a virtual Manor House, you'll meet a prime bunch of suspects, all of whom have evil in their hearts and greed on their mind. One of them will end up dead, but was it murder, misadventure or suicide? And if it was murder, Who Did It?
We'll be hosting this event on Sunday 28th October, UK evening time. Entrance to the event is free. Come as yourself, or dress for the evening.
This event will be hosted by Create.
So reserve your evening, and send your tux to the cleaners.
Dmitri Gheorgheni