About Thinks 2 Thing About

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I am just up, and waking slowly and clinging to specific
imagery from a dream I wish to share. Every movement,
every conscious thought, every encounter with things around
me is taking me further into a conscious mind and further
from the compressed zip-file of memories I am trying to bring
up from the subconscious.


In the scenario there five of us, not strangers but not well known or familiar to each other - in much the same way a group of five known names might engage in a conversation here on this website.

We are sitting round a large board room or conference room table; perhaps a seminar room at a college or the planning room of an ad agency. I appear to be in charge and am standing behind my chair in the middle of one side welcoming four others, three males and one woman who all seem to be of non-descript age, probably a general range of late 20s to mid 30s, of obvious maturity but projecting no sense of fixed ideologies or the settled prejudgments of the more elderly - like me, although I too feel young and enthusiastic and open to the possibilities to come - just as a I am when engaged in a conversation here.

They seem very open minded and keen to participate in the session but mixed with their excitement and enthusiasm there is the kind of slight self-doubt one finds in post graduate students or up and coming young execs when in the presence of their professor or boss. They know their own minds and are full of confidence but obviously wondering what the others may have come up with. So am I of course.

Each has prepared an assignment at my request - I seem to be the organiser or director of this project - and they are all keen to impress but slightly nervous about making their presentations while busily unpacking their notes, note-pads and papers on to the table.

Two of the genetlemen are sitting on my side of the table with one empty chair between us, the other chap is directly across from me and is the only one making eye contact or engaging in conversation which is merely friendly small-talk that does not register any great or direct significance to the subject at hand. The young lady is to his left and seems to have taken up the end chair on that side as well as all the space at that end of the table.

I note, reading upside down, the title of her essay displayed on her electronic note pad is - iThin65 - a play on the words 'think' and 'thing' using a lower case i in the modern webby way with the number 6 as a small g and a 5 to represent the letter s. It seems to convey the idea 'The Way I Think About Things In Cyberspace'.

I am struck by this complex creativity and suddenly become semi-lucid as I realise I am once again reading in my dream - a fact I have promised to demonstrate to certain sceptics and doubters who have denied that possibility when I've made the claim in previous converstaion threads here about dreams and dreaming. I begin to strenusously focus my mind on remembering that detail - iThin65 - using it as the key, the name of the compressed file into which I will try to condense as much of this dream as I can before I wake. But I begin to climb up toward consciousness.

I struggle to remain asleep and observe what the others have prepared for presentation, bouncing back to the image of - iThin65 - as a point of reference as I look around at the others and become more aware of
subtle differences in their demeanour and appearance though they remain focused on arranging their presentations and make no eye contact or conversation. Clearly, they all, especially the chap on my left, are using body language that suggests they wish to remain independent and individual and not succumb to any group-thought or any mere mimicry of my ideas or suggestions. Keeping their own independent heads seems to be their priority as they prepare to make their individual presentations.

As I begin to ask the lady to explain her working title I awake and determine to get to this computer and record as much as possible before it all fades away. I concentrate on the title - iThin65 - and seem to imagine that I have assigned them all the theme of Thinking About Things or Things to Think About.

Then I am awake and waiting for the computer to boot up and with every keystroke and mouse click I feel the details slipping away. Was it - Things To Think - the chap on my left had written? Did the guy on my right have a paper presentation under the title - Thinking About Things - ? The fellow across from me was smiling and I seem to recall trying to read his title upside down - Thinks 2 Think About or the Thinking of Things.

It was all fading fast and when at last I clicked upon 'Add Guide Entry' I became aware that I was almost fully conscious and creating new variations of the theme while losing touch with those I had 'actually' seen in the dream and compressed under the file name - iThin65.

The trouble with having such a wonderfully creative way of distorting and contorting the language when I am writing is that the line between conscious creativities and memories of subconscious revelations was blurring and bouncing off the rev-limiters of 'wakefulness' and the forced and focused mnemonic of - iThin65.

Arrrgh, I grumbled, iThin65 therefore I are awake.


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