I saw the flight of the first autogiro. ..
Created | Updated May 4, 2012
As I am now nearly 84, and as a result of several strokes am busily doing brain exercises every day in order to heol me remain my own persona for as long as possible, the fadt that this morning, I remembered this marvellous occasion.. and then it disappeared.. is slightly uppsetting. amyway, once I get the nag of what to do, at least I should be able to edit my typing errors.
I came to my computer ro write about it, had written about a quarter of it when "whoops" it disappearered. It is sad, because added to my problems, my sight is disappearing fast. and how I have to start again.
I can only write about reality. I have absolutely no imagination, so basically if I am writing, the subject actually has to be about something that I have experienced.
So please, whoever edits this,please tell me how to retreive my entry! Thank yyou. !!
have now forgotten the name of the pilot of the first autogiro, so will have to go and try to remember it with the help of Wikipedi. There is a photograph (which I now realise I cannot even share with you!!) of ne gazing at this strange contraption, completely ignoring the fact that mt darling Papa was talking to Mermoz - that wonderful French pilot, so tragically lost whilst flying on the first postal service between ~Toulouse and l'amerique du Sud. Annother of the pilots on this same airline service was Antoine de Saint Euxpery. What a wonderful group of Manhood at the beginning of the last century. . !! O ,ist do do my memory exercises again and then try and complete this wonderful memory of my childhood in France with my much loved Grandpere, Grandmere and Papa and Maman.
Ah well, I suppose that it is my fualt it generally is now.. ,
Friday 4th May, 2012 16.39 GMT