A Conversation for HooToo old codgers re-union area

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Post 41


Munching on smiley - cake and rearranging smiley - petunias from smiley - pony - where has everybody gone smiley - sadface

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 42

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*fluffs up her Matt's pile* smiley - lurk

Not far away smiley - magic

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 43

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - yawn morning vegiman, personally I was a having a nice long snooze and now I'm going to be enjoying my day off. How about you?

*starts making smiley - tea and smiley - coffee for everyone*

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 44


smiley - tea please!
I agree with Lil about resurrecting the waterworks!
(But I would, wouldn't I?)


Welcome to old Researchers

Post 45


Hi Guys/Gals
I am just off to work and as I am no longer a RL vegiman any more, I can start late working for myself.

BB Go for it, start posting and see how many older reaserchers come back to the fold smiley - smiley

catcha this evening rushes down the smiley - tea and floats out the door.

vegsmiley - smiley

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 46

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - tea for Bluebottle.

Do me a favour, remind me what Waterworks is, my brain remembers it but won't remind itself exactly what it is! Isn't that terrible?

Hey I'm 12 today! I almost forgot!! smiley - cake for everyone! smiley - jester (which is the closest to a party hat I can find!)

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 47

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hippy Burday, Emily! smiley - magic

smiley - crackersmiley - bubblysmiley - gift

And you will find the Waterworks Map and associated threads here: A416918

smiley - bubblysmiley - diva *hic*

lil xx

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 48


The most popular bits were the Beach and Swimming Pool.


Welcome to old Researchers

Post 49


smiley - lurk

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 50


Mmmm my smiley - tea has gone cold. Is the smiley - chocolateteapot still hot ?

Hi Em. Not being funny but I think it might be wise to take your age off your AKA name for obvious reasons.

Have you any Birthday smiley - cake left - I am fammished.

vegismiley - smiley

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 51

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

There's still smiley - cake and hot smiley - tea dear, and yeah, probably not the best idea advertising the fact that I'm 12, especially when I'm actually just about to turn 27. smiley - laugh

Makes me sound like a complete weirdo!! smiley - yikessmiley - sadface Shall just pop off and change that before it gets me in trouble.

smiley - run

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 52


Very wise as vegi eats the smiley - cake and snuggles up to Em and gives a big smiley - cuddle

vegismiley - kiss

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 53

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'd be here more often and more loquacious, but I'm still in hospital, lying on my side and typoing one-handed [sic]. And the facility's free wifi has been unsteady the past few days. smiley - cross

In a few weeks I hope I can be sitting up to type, though, and then you'll be wishing I'd shut up. smiley - silly

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 54


Hi A - Lil

You concentrate on getting better, sounds smiley - devilish not being able to sit up for two weeks. Are you allowed to have a smiley - stiffdrink and a piece of Em's smiley - cake.

Em pass the smiley - cake to A-Lil - & Since Em has been on hootoo since 2000 that'll make you a baby when you first joined smiley - bigeyes just jokingsmiley - biggrin
12 years on h2g2 not many of us can claim that, especially being a 12 year old and joined at birth - Now that is making history smiley - cuddle

vegismiley - hug

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 55

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ah! Vegiman you've found t'other Lil... We are siamese twins separated at birth smiley - winkeye

Sometimes we even chat in stereo! smiley - laugh

*wanders orrff to find her Matt smiley - lurk* smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - run

lil x

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 56


smiley - laugh Hi lil I thought I was smiley - cdouble due to the smiley - ale followed bya smiley - stiffdrink ><smiley - biggrin> ><smiley - yawn>

Hi Em good news for you - h2g2 have released a GuideML editor for thoise who cannot do GuideML - More details on My Space.

Now which way was I going smiley - footprints or was it smiley - stnirptoof
Me as2 cut down on my drinking
smiley - runsmiley - nur caught myself coming back - trips over mat smiley - boing.

smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 57

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - cheers Vegiman I shall go check it out, though I should probably just relearn GuideML and stop being lazy smiley - yawn

*passes smiley - cake to A-Lil and everyone else...must be magic cake since despite cutting it seems not to be getting smaller, though hides smiley - ale to keep vegiman from any more accidents*

smiley - laugh 12 years is a long time, I was only 14 when I joined, back in the days before hootoo moved to the BBC! And even before GuideML!!! smiley - senior *puts in ear trumpet* Though since I was MIA for a over half of that time it's not that impressive.

A-Lil, hope you feel better soon! smiley - cheerup

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 58


What we've done is strip standard html out from the GuideML, the new editor replaces the old plain text editor and handles all the layout code for you.
The widget stuff is still in GuideML, and you still need to switch to the GuideML editor to use that.
But if you just want to write, it's now a lot easier.

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 59


Hi Pastey always great to hear from you.

why is it just in Brunel or is this on the 2do list for other skins ?

I use Goo - found it by accident although you informed me that it was on the cards.

Moving on from the serious stuff.
smiley - roses
for A-Lil and takes some more everlasting smiley - cake

Welcome to old Researchers

Post 60


The new editor is actually in Pliny smiley - winkeye

When the beeb had the Guide, they decided on Brunel being the default skin. So, all development that they did was focussed on that. Including all the ed tools etc, they were all built into the skin.

We're moving away from that now with funkier features in Pliny, and moving all the tools out of the older skins so that they can actually work properly smiley - smiley

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