Be Funny NOW!

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All comedians, and well known public "wits", experience the same problem.Many people expect them to be funny (or say something funny) all the time. It is worst perhaps for the radio comedians. They usually are on in the early morning time slots. There is no sympathy for them when they get a cold or headache or when they have a relationship issue or even when they had a bad experience getting to work.No they must always be funny on demand.
A woman, in particular, is given no leeway. Women comedians, who do "drive time" radio shows, are expected to be funny without any
reality break. So this one womqn comedian, who had signed up for a high profile morning radio program,begins to resent the unfairness of this biased public attitude. She decides to be "non-funny" just to show them. No longer caring about her job security, the woman sets out to say just what she thinks when she thinks it and damn the consequences.
As her program begins the woman puts aside all her humour research and just becomes verbally abusive. In the USA this sort of humour is called "a roast" and the insults can get very cutting. On her program, ever person who rings this woman is "roasted". When major sponsors run their advertisements on her program, the woman launches into a triade against the product being advertised. And all news items are triiviualised when she constantly
interrupts with a loud voice over demanding to know: "Who says?"
Finally the woman is called into the station managers office. The station manager, a man of course, tells her that he was going to sack her (he actually said "Fire your A**"). But he quickly adds the surprising fact that there have been so many people contacting the station facebook page congratulating the "new comic on drive time". As a direct result of this public approval, he tells her that he had decided to extend her contract. A veteran of the industry, the woman knows the signs and tells him to contact her agent.
The woman becomes the most popular drive time DJ for that ratins period and gets a huge fat contract. In fact the station has to make budget cuts elsewhere to afford this contract and so they sack the Station manager.
Go Figure!

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