The True Friend

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A man was approached to investigate a workplace he had left. The man did not want to do it but his best friend was still working there and convinced him to take on the investigation.
The workplace was being seeing great ideas and innovations lost to competitors. Everyone in that workplace was a suspect. And so the man began his investigation by isolating possible unusual practices. No obvious candidates presented themselves and so the man had to set a trap. This tactic was successful in isolating three prime suspects.
The man called all the workplace bosses and asked them to set up a full staff meeting. He also requested that police officers should also attend.The staff meeting had only being going for twenty minutes when the man was given the floor. He quickly outlined the known details of the piracy that was affecting the workplace. Then to the surprise of all he intentified the actual culprits without revealing the leader's name. The man had been able to employ a hacker of exceptional skill to track down the guilty ones.
At a subsequent senior staff meeting the man revealed the name of the leader of the piracy. The senior staff people were shocked because the person involved had been one of their most trusted staff nenbers. All the man had to do now was escort the guilty one to the waiting police officers. And so the man went to the chair where his best friend was sitting and laid his arm on that person's shoulder. When the friend asked him how knew it was him, the man simply said "Its all there on the net for anyone to find!" The man then left the workplace a sadder person.

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