Don't Walk Away

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Two people, hurt by past romamces and marriages, find each other. There is a period of about one year where they both enjoy a great sexual relationship. But they cannot trust each other. The woman does not want another relationship to go sour on her. The man is hurt by her sudden coldness and indifference.They drift apart. The lonely years follow.

Some years later,by accident, they meet in a busy street. Both immediately feel a sharp pain at the sight of each other. But they follow social rules and enter into polite conversation. Every second they spend talking adds to their pain. The woman breaks off first and slowly moves away. Seeing this the man softly pleads with her,
"Please don't walk away."
With her back to him, the woman does not hear clearly what it is he has said.
So she asks over her shoulder,
"What did you just say?'
All courage deserts the man and he replies,
But he cannot hide the pain and it all comes out in that one word.
The woman hears his pain and her hard heart melts.
As he slowly starts to move away she calls out to him,
"Don't walk away!"
The man freezes in mid stride, he turns and sees her eyes. Immediately he moves towards her. She sees his mouth and moves towards him. He touches her face. She slides her hand into his. They stand there in their own space. The busy street walkers part around them like a
river parts around a rock. They are now one.

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