A Conversation for Rod's Ramblings: The Treaty of Waitangi

Interesting history!

Post 1


Hi Rod, thanks for this article, now I know a bit more about the historical issues in New Zealand as well! I'll be reading a bit more about the treaty elsewhere on the 'web.

Interesting history!

Post 2


Hi Willem, As you will well know, it's not a universal panacea. There are still serious issues and Waitangi day 'celebrations' are often marred (from the pakeha point of view) by demonstrations and ill feeling.

Nevertheless, as far as I can make out it actually was done with genuine awareness and good intentions (good intentions, eh?).

(and I hesitate to find out what 'pakeha' actually means!)

Interesting history!

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I'll bet it means 'shark bait'. smiley - evilgrinsmiley - run

Interesting history!

Post 4


smiley - laugh - or the processed result of an aborted catch...

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