On Suspicion of Evil Intent

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A man sets himself up as a vigilante. Over time he had become sickened by all the crime and corruption he was exposed to as a policeman. The final straw was the death of his partner when she was pregnant. Fatally injured by a hit-and-run driver, his partner was rushed to hospital in an attempt to save the baby. First the man had to endure the 15 minute wait for the ambulance. The trip to the hospital was gut wretching as he watched his partner fade away. By the time the ambulance arrived at the Emergency Ward, any chance of saving the unborn baby was gone. In a state of total disbelief and denial, the man watched as his partner was wheeled away.
Unable to cope with his grief, the man quit the police force and went back to his home city. The pity from family and friends was the worst thing to bear and the man got to detest the sight of someone preparing to give him"a big hug". Soon the man had alienated all his friends and pushed away all his family. Only his sister got under his guard. She began to look after him and got him to move into her house. A lone parent for ten years, his sister tried to make him comfortable. Yet the man was getting restless, he saw himself as a hermit not a house guest. Luckily one day his neice git tired of her uncle's moans. Being a teenager, she spoke her mind. So she told him to stop feeling sorry for himself and get on with finding who killed his partner and unborn child. The man was arrested by her sharp tone and belligrent stare! And then his mind answered, "Why not?"
This provided a significant change to the man's behaviour.He now had a goal in life and something to do with his time.Using his old police contacts, the man drew up a list of suspects. This included his partner's former husband,the sister of that ex-husband and his partner's former boss. Now he began a long and drawn out cat and mouse game with these three people. In conversations over the preceeding twelve years they had all admitted to having angry thoughts about his partner. But each lead took the man to another dead end until one suspect stood out from the rest.
His partner's ex-husband had no real aliabi was very weak.He was also showing signs of great stress.
So the man started to investigate this person.It turned out that th ex-husband owned two cars. Yet when the man broke in and searched his home, only one car was in the garage. The man began to see a possible solution.He used the internet, and some special help from inside sources, to get details on the ex's car registration. He was in luck because the rego details are not opened to everyone. And the man used the rego details to track the dealer who sold the car.The dealer was able to call up his records and give the man the engine number. A check at the scrap metal yards brought up the clue he needed. A car with that engine number had being booked in for demolition. The scrap metal's dealer record showed that the car was damaged in the front and on the roof. The man's partner has been hit by the front of a car and thrown up in the air to land on the car's roof.
So the man had his proof, or at least a clue. He went and confronted the ex-husband. After years of guilt, the ex-husband cracked. He admitted the criminal act and explained that he had been blind drunk at the time. The ex-husband offered to turn himself in and take his punishment. The man told him that would not be necessary.
The next day, a TV news item was picked up by internet media outlets. A man had being found at the foot of a famous cliff known to be use by people who killed themselves. The police were convinced that this incident was just another suicide. Only one person in that city knew the truth. But he soon left never to return.


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