The UN Speech

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Jim Thomas arrived in New York under a UN armistice. He may have been a rebel leader but he was also the spokesperson for the indigenous people of the Northern Territory of Australia. The full session of the UN General assembly was to hear speeches from all parties engaged in the Australian Civil War. The Australian Government wanted UN peace keepers to be sent to the Northern Territory to facilitate a disarming of the rebels, or terrorists as they call them. The main rebel indigenous groups wanted the UN to stay out of the Civil War. They feared that any UN "peace keepers" would be dominated and controlled by US forces.

After the Australian ambassador gave her speech, Jim Thomas was invited to speak to the General Assembly. As he began to speak, the US Ambassador and the UK Ambassador left the room. It wasn't long after that that the Australian ambassador also left the room. But no one else made any move to leave. They had all heard about General Jim Thomas and had been impressed with his successes against vastly superior forces. Some even thought he was winning the war for the indigenous factions.

Unknown to General Thomas, the British secret service had decided to get rid of him and blame it on the Americans. They were getting ready back at his hotel. Before long they had enough people to take out his body guard and kill Thomas in the lift. His body would then be removed to a hiding place in New York city.

Jim Thomas began to conclude his speech.

" Ambassadors and delegates, I come on behalf of most of the indigenous people of the Northern Territory. This is their message to you. Their plea is simple. Foreigners came to their land over two hundred years ago and stole their land. Now they have a chance to get it back. Please do not extinguish this hope that they have for their future. Everyone has a right to self determination. Let the Northern Territory people retain that basic human right. Do not send troop into their land. I thank you for listening to the people's message."

Jim Thomas left the UN building after all the speeches. He went straight to the airport to fly home. The British assasins waited back at his hotel in vain for their target.

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