A Beginner's Guide to Air Travel
Created | Updated Jan 5, 2013
Won't you love to surf the skies? Don't you want to explore the world? You could always walk or swim, but if you want to get somewhere faster you should choose to fly. So go buy your tickets, get on the plane, sit back and fly! Make sure to tell an appropriate employee in the airport and the crew members on the plane if you need any medical or technical assistance so that they will be ready to help you. You will get into the plane and hear a short explanation about the shape and exits on the plane and the crew members in addition to the security procedures to follow during flight. Pay attention and listen to the crew members. It does not cost you much time and may save your life. Then you will begin to take off. Sit back, listen to the engines roar, close your eyes, pick a piece of gum or chocolate, and don't panic.
What you do on a flight may vary according to the length, time, and what you take with you on the flight. Look at the signs to see if you may get out of your seat and walk around but when the sign goes on and the pilot tells you to get ready for landing get back into your seat and get ready for a blast of moisture because the plane is very dry , and a good afternoon's sleep because flights are very tiring even if you do not realise it while on the plane.
The Parts of the Plane
Cockpit (Pilots Cabin)
Here sit the pilot and the co-pilot who navigate, operate, and control the plane, and communicate with different airports.
These are used to gain lift to support and maneuver the aircraft in the air.
First Class
Here the chairs can usually turn into beds, this is the most expensive section of the plane, no tea should be spilled here. People in this section receive a wide variety of pleasures including good food and movies. These seats are only available on planes with three classes.
Business Class
Here there is a bit more room for legs than economy, sometimes there are interactive screens in front of each seat, electricity may be supplied, and sometimes this is not very different from the economy class. In planes with only two classes, this is the first class.
Economy (Coach) Class
This is the least expensive section of the plane, here there is never enough room to sleep properly but it is the easiest place to find a hitchhike. Economy class rarely has television screens or even electric sockets. Some planes have wi-fi with an additional fee.
This is used to maneuver the aircraft in the air.
You will be allowed in either the first, business, or economy class unless you are a pilot flying the plane.
Types of Planes
There are many types of commercial planes you might encounter while looking for a flight. These range from smaller planes usually used for short flights and having one or two sections, to large planes with a number of decks containing a first-class lounge and usually used for extremely long flights.
One of the most important features of a plane is its engine. An airplane uses its engine to fly the plane in the air. In addition to this some airplanes have another separate engine that can drive the plane forward on land. Planes that do not have an additional engine are pulled around by cars. The engine an airplane uses comes according to its size and the length of time it is flying for. Propeller jets are relatively slow and therefore carry smaller lighter planes on shorter distances. Two-jet planes have a jet engine on either side of the plane's body that can propel it quickly from place to place. These planes fly at about 530 miles-per-hour while propeller powered planes fly at about 350 miles-per-hour. Heavier and larger planes usually use two jets on medium to large distances. Planes that are extremely heavy, very large, or fly extremely long distances may use a set of four jets that let the plane use up less energy during travel. This still move at about 530 miles an hour.
Jets may appear at the rear of the plane, on the bottom of a plane, or on either side of its body. Jets at the back let the plane spin faster and are usually more aggressive; jets on the sides give the plane more control. Engines on the bottom of the plane give it more stability.
Aerospatiale and ATR
ATRs are small planes containing only one class with two seats on each side of the plain per row. They are either engine or propeller powered and are therefore relatively slow and fly for short flights (up to about 1400 miles)
Airbuses are typically bigger planes. These may contain only an economy class, two classes where one has a little more leg-room than the other, or a first business and economy class. Larger models contain two aisles with two seats on either side of the plane and four in the middle per row. These are used for medium-length flights ranging from 1.5 thousand miles to over nine-thousand miles. Other smaller models have one aisle with three seats on either side. These usually fly for two to four thousand miles. Some A-350 models have three columns of three seats each instead of the two-four-two seating. The A-380, the largest Airbus, is a four-jet with two floors. It holds up to 840 people. On the bottom floor there are three columns of three-four-three seats, on the top floor the side columns have two seats each. These fly on nine-thousand mile flights.
Beechcrafts are small planes with only one seat on each side of the plane per row. They use propellers and can hold nineteen passangers and fly for up to 700 miles.
Boeing planes come in man different models ranging from small planes with five passengers per row to larger models with up to ten passengers per row. These go on flights from two to eight thousand miles.
British Aerospace
These come in two main models. One is the BAC 1-11 and the Avro 85 seating eighty to one-hundred passengers in five-seat rows. The second model is the Jetstream, propeller powered, and holding twenty or thirty passangers in three-seat-rows. Both models fly for up to 1.5 thousand mile flights.
Fokker, Convair, and Embraer
These are smaller planes usually containing one class with rows of two seats on each side of the plane. These fly for one thousand mile flights.
These are only the main types of airplanes in use today. Other, less common planes may have similar features.
Choosing where to sit and what to take
When choosing a place to sit in during a plane-flight one should consider the length and the time of the flight, the well-being and amount of money available to the subject. These factors also affect what one may bring with itself to a plane.
Short Flights
Short flights are flights ranging from a few minutes to about four hours. In flights like these one does not worry too much about comfortableness because one will usually not try to fall asleep but maybe finish reading a book or a newspaper. Usually one would not want to waste a lot of money and therefore will choose to sit in economy class. If one is willing to use a little more money, or needs more leg-space for taking a nap, one bay choose to upgrade to business class.
Business trips
Business trips are usually payed for by a company and the seat will be in business class, If the flight is long or if one has just received an enormous amount of money, one may choose to upgrade to first-class as a one-time-experience. If you are an important person you may get a first-class seat anyways, do not take it personally though if you do, or if you do not. On business trips one would most likely travel with some tablet or phone, and a laptop.
Flights 4 to 7 hours
These flights are usually annoying because by the time you manage to fall asleep you already have to get ready for landing. For particularly these circumstances one would like a nice business seat, some movies or a book. Another good accompaniment to such a flight is a laptop or some papers to work on.
Long Flights
Long haul flights last for over twelve and sometimes even up to twenty four hours. These are usually made up of more, smaller flights with connections, or time gaps, in between them when one moves about the airport from plane to plane. To these flights one may want to take on a first-class seat but even an economy seat will be fine as one may find itself very tired and not care about its surroundings. Economy seats in long flights may come with small televisions where in shorter flights there would have been a plastic back-of-the-seat.
Night Flights
Flights at night naturally require sleeping, some headphones and music and a book are usually a good thing for these flights in addition to a business class seat.
Day Flights
These usually require the least effort after short flights and need only something to pass the time with, therefore economy class would be a rather optimal choice. One should take some work, a puzzle, a book, or a combination of sorts, sit back, and relax.
Group Flights
If you are flying in a group you will probably choose to fly in economy class. Some airlines will let you choose your seats together while some may require an additional fee for making sure you sit as a group.
If you fly a lot with one airline you may become a "frequent flyer" and get promoted to a higher class free of charge. In other cases you must pay a premium for the privilege of sitting in a higher-class-seat.
Ease of Access
Disabled passengers get additional help for free but must notify the airline in advance. People in need of a wheelchair get special aid on the airport and help getting in and out of the plane. Children may get an escort to accompany them at the airport into and out of the plane flight in an additional fee. Such children must be given to and taken from an authorized airport employee and will not be ably to leave the airport, the plane, or the lounge without supervision. In any event you may ask the crew members for some water and sometimes for a little snack.
To find out what plane you are on
First check the flight name, the first two letters are the company you are flying with (for example BA for British Airways). Next look for the model of the plane. An Aerospatiale model begins with ATR, and Airbus models begin with A-3-hundred-something. Antonov models begin with AN, Beechcrafts are abbreviated to BE, and Boeing plane models all start with seven-hundred-and-something.
The Passengers of the Plane
Flying on an airplane you will probably not be alone. There are a few main types of fellow passengers you may meet. Keep in mind that the other passengers probably feel as tired and as uncomfortable as you do. You all pretty much woke up at the same time and stood for hours in the lines at the airport. Now you are sitting crunched together in a small space with just enough room for you and your hand bag, but do not fear!
The sleeping passenger, falls asleep near the beginning of the flight, sometimes even before the plane takes off, and sleeps through most of the flight. If you plan on being one of these you should take a window seat so you may rest your head to the side, in addition to not being disturbed by the passengers next to you moving to and fro the restrooms. If you happen to be seated next to a sleeping passenger that is blocking your way to the restrooms try to hold it in or fall asleep, if you do not think you can make it to the end of the flight try climbing over him as quickly as you can without grabbing too much attention and without stepping on his arms.
Seat back passengers move their seat all the way back usually to take a rest. If you plan on doing this please make sure you are not disturbing the passenger behind you too much. You may want to choose a seat behind a sleeping passenger or a smaller passenger so you both may be as comfortable as possible during the flight. If you happen to be seated behind such a passenger either choose to live with it, check to see if you can too move your seat back, or ask him politely to straighten his seat a bit if he is not asleep.
The all time worker brings his laptop on the plane and takes every opportunity to finish reading one last paper or making one last slide for that urgent presentation. If you plan on doing this make sure you are seated in a place you are not likely to be disturbed, get ready to move your work aside for takeoff, landing, and during meals. Remember to save your work every now and then so you will not lose it if you need to shut down your computer. If you are seated by this kind of passenger try not to disturb him, and it is usually not polite to look over his shoulder to see what he is doing. Sometimes you may be able to start a conversation or help him when food is being served.
The reader brings a book or two on the plane and is usually set for the whole flight. If you plan on reading find a quiet place where you can be calm and absorb the story. Try not to be too absorbed though and be cautious as to what is going on around you as someone may be looking to get out of their seat next to you or there may be some type of an emergency. Do your best not to disturb passengers while reading as they may get cross with you.
The media player brings a few movies and some music for the flight. If you plan on having a media experience remember to bring your headphones and try to make sure your neighbors can not hear too much sound from them as this may be annoying to some. Take enough movies or songs to use your time with during the flight or until you plan to fall asleep. You may also choose to read about the entertainment features of the flight in the in-flight magazine. Usually there are an assortment of radio channels and movies to listen to and watch. Sometimes there are games. Do not disturb these passengers too much either, they may also need help during takeoff, landing, and meals.
The gamer takes a PSP or a Gameboy on the plane. He is similar to the media player but has a more interactive experience.
The all time socialist immediately starts a conversation. He is always prepared with games, music, books, movies, and ideas and may sometimes be hyper. If you plan to socialize check first that your neighbors will not be bothered with you. Social people should sit together and do not get bored too quickly. If you are sitting next to someone that wants to socialize either ask him politely to get some rest or join in the fun, you never know what you may be missing. There are some nice people you may meet on a plane, and sitting next to each other for a good part of the day you might as well be friendly and get to know each other.
The parent needs to care for its family on the plane, he or she can have a hard time satisfying the children and may need help serving meals, buckling, and finding things to do. If you are a mother on a plane bring with you a book, some toys, papers and pencils in addition to what you may be taking for yourself on the flight. If you are sitting next to a parent try to be as helpful as possible and to disturb them as less as possible.
The baby gets bored very quickly on the flight. Its ears usually hurt because it does not yet know how to equalize them. Try to get babies to sleep and eat during flights and do not wake them up unless you must. These should receive special attention as they may need help. Babies can receive special meals and sometimes special seats as well as a smaller life vest for the case of an emergency. If your baby starts crying try to see what it wants and comfort it, flying is a huge thing for such a small child.
The tourist group usually sits all together but sometimes someone may be pushed into the middle of such. In this case he or she may want to switch places so that the group will be together and not talk over him disturbing his quiet. Groups come in an assortment of sizes and ages but they all have at least one thing in common: they all share one mutual goal. Groups should try not to be noisy but may want to play games or prepare for the trip they are going on. Groups should get seats that are close together and keep each other busy during the flight as to not get too bored.
If you do not choose to be any of the above you will be a bored passenger. These usually look for something to do and may choose to read some magazine or solve a riddle. If you happen to be bored and can not fall asleep or find anything to do try playing a mind game, planning out what you need to do once you land, learning a new skill, practicing your focus or your memory, or look out the window at the great wide heavens. If you happen to find yourself next to a bored passenger try to give you both a way of entertainment, such as a card game, or maybe start a conversation.
Conversation Topics on a Plane
If you find yourself in need of a conversation on a flight here are some topics that can get you started. Remember not to be too loud as to not annoy the people sleeping, reading, or concentrating around you. A good place to start is where you come from, where you are going, and what for. All passengers on a plane are there to go from one place to another and some stories may be interesting. Names is a nice place to start, try to be as friendly as you can without bugging your friends. Another topic can be the food you get on the plane. Another is a game you can play such as associations or cards. You could try to find common hobbies with your neighbors, or a common favorite artist. Listening to music or watching a movie together is also a great way to pass the time.
In Conclusion
If you plan on staying in an airplane for a while, make sure you take with you some good books, movies or music you like, work to do, games, chewing gum for use especially during take off and landing, eye-covers and ear-plugs because getting some rest is essential and almost impossible under the circumstances of flight, a toothbrush and a small toothpaste, a bottle, a towel, food such as soup-in-a-cup, chocolate, a sandwich, or energy bars is a great thing for the times when you wake up really hungry and breakfast is only served in a few hours, tissues, and a map. Some foods may not be allowed into or out of certain areas. You might need to make sure that you were not in a farm for a few hours before the flight. Some flights do not allow certain foods or drinks to be brought up into the plane. You should make sure you know what the limits of each flight is before you take it in order to get your luggage ready.On plane trips it is best to travel light so that you can make sure you have all your belongings with you and that you do not pay extra for oversize or overweight luggage. Taking only hand-luggage can save you time where others would be waiting for their baggage to arrive. It is also easier to carry around.
In case of an emergency DO NOT PANIC and follow the instructions given by crew members. Most of the times the plane goes back into control or lands at a different airport than intended, from then on you are again inside the airport thus not on a plane anymore.
Before you go on the plane make sure to use the toilets and to fill your bottle with water.
Have a safe trip!