A Conversation for Hammer Throw

Peer Review: A87727035 - Hammer

Post 1

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Entry: Hammer - A87727035
Author: Nosebagbadger {Ace} - U14077177

This indicates the half way point in my Olympic Field event Project - this is here so they can all be looked over for a longer time, then they can be picked together

I don't suppose we have a hammer thrower in the house, or someone who can phrase instuctions better than me - i know that they sound rather odd and perhaps nonmatching. Their complexity makes it really hard to write them down making sense

Cheers for any help on either that or anything else

Peer Review: A87727035 - Hammer

Post 2

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Is this a redundant conversation thread nbb? I guess you took it out of PR and then resubmitted it, which caused a duplication?

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