A Conversation for Quote of the Day Archive
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hygienicdispenser Started conversation May 23, 2012
I use brunel. If I click on the 'Front Page' link on the left of the page there I get diverted to the Front Page in Pliny, which is fair enough except for the fact that ever since Pliny went live the QOTD has remained unaltered, a thing about U turns by Dr Z. I've bookmarked the QOTD page so I can see the new quotes, but I'd much prefer to see them in situ. So, is there any plan to get them changing daily in Pliny?
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Geggs Posted May 23, 2012
Yeah, I noticed the Pliny front page not updating as well. I posted a bug report about it - where's that gone now? Ah, yes, here it is:
It seems that the front page isn't really ready yet, but QoTD will work properly when it is.
That's odd about the brunel front page link going to pliny, though. Does this link work?:
What's happening?
hygienicdispenser Posted May 23, 2012
Hi Geggs,
Links all seem to work a bit oddly at the moment, which I believe is to do with the fact that Pliny is still being built. For example, if I click on the link that you've given me for the front page, what actually shows up in my address bar has the 'dna/h2g2/' bit repeated, which takes takes me to the Pliny error page! If I strip out the superfluous bits of the URL, then it works.
does work as a direct link. I think that the system sees 'brunel/' in a link and somewhere behind the scenes it interprets it as though you had typed 'dna/h2g2/brunel/'
Anyway, I'm sure it'll get sorted eventually, and it's good to know that QoTD will be back where it belongs as well.
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