Metal Gear Solid (Playstation)

1 Conversation

Making a debut on Playstation in 1996, Metal Gear Solid was a special game. It added so many people to the Metal Gear series, and took the storyline to a whole new level. This is the first game in the series I played, and it was the best place for me to start, as far as I know.

NOTE: I'm doing these reviews in order of series. If you know it's a sneaking concept throughout the series, You'll probably understand. This game was Rated M for Animated Violence, Animated Blood and gore, and Mature Sexual Themes.

Evolution of Metal Gear

One of the things you'll notice about the games from past to present is the huge changes in technology. Metal Gear on MSX was kinda cheap, but Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake changed that. It added so many plot twists, much more character development, and a little better gameplay, not to mention a killer soundtrack. Metal Gear Solid makes the big jump to 3D. Because this is the first game I really played, I don't know how players react to seeing Solid Snake in 3D for the first time. For me, I love the way Solid Snake is designed. I think playing this game is best, because it is NOT one of the cheap translated Japanese games, it has its own script that is more "down to earth" and english. Voices, new music (none of that emulator music on MSX) and much better gameplay. In a big jump of consoles, this one was probably the biggeest jump of technology.

The future fate holds for Metal Gear coming to PS2 in November. The big technology jump to PS2 with Metal Gear Solid 2 provided so much more to do to avoid the enemy. Metal Gear Solid 3 will leave the buildings in the dust and take you through the Jungles. There won't be as much improvement there, but it'll still be changed.


If you've played Metal Gear 2 or Metal Gear Solid 2 you know what standard there is to hit with the story of a Metal Gear game. Metal Gear Solid is probably one of the best stories I've ever had to experience. Metal Gear 2 is one of the best in the series as well. Metal Gear Solid 2 was good, but was a bit confusing in the end. Even now, after playing through it maybe 25 times I still don't understand the end.

Anyway, the backdrop to Metal Gear Solid is 2005, after the Zanzabarland Incident. Rogue members of FOX-HOUND, along with a group of next-generation Special Forces, have seized a nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses island, in Alaska's Fox Archipelago. These terrorist request a sum of one billion Dollars, and that the government of the United States turns over the remains of Big Boss. Roy Campbell, the retired commander of FOX-HOUND, is recalled into duty. He calls for the ledgendary soldier, the man that makes the impossible possible, the person responsible for taking down Outer Heaven and Zanzibarland single-handed, Solid Snake. Snake's new assignment is to infiltrate the nuclear weapons disposal facility, and accomplish two goals. First, resure the DARPA chief, Donald Anderson, and ArmsTech President, Kenneth Baker. Secondly, He is to investigate whether or not the terrorists have the ability to lanch a nuclear strike, and stop them if they do.

I admit you can find out more by watching the Breifing, but I didn't, and it doesn't ruin the game in any way. Just don't say "How does he know that?" whenever Snake seems to know something obviously covered in the breifing.


It was 1996, and the hardware was limited at the moment. Playstation and N64 were still the two competitors of the console industries (Those were the days...). Anyway, The graphics in the playstation version were somewhat limited. Snake's face was really low-res, without any eyes. Of course, if he had eyes, it would've ooked like some cartoon. I think they were as good as they could be. Hey, you could see what you were doing, right? If you can get past that, you can play this game.


Compared to Metal Gear Solid 2, the gameplay is crap. I really had trouble playing this after coming back from Sons of Liberty. There are quite a few things different, which were good at the time. If you haven't played the series, and can't start with Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, start with this one. Little by little you ease into more gameplay, and learn the controls easily becuase they are based on the games before that.


It was either just that time or it was a really good music score, because this is the first OST (Original Sound Track) I ever bought. It was an amazing game, and I'm only sorry the music from cinematics was not famous enough to be widely released. The OST has only in-game music, plus credits, menu, and the theme. There are two CDs, titled DRAMA CD 1 and 2 that have music from the cinematics (I think), which pisses me off because they are Extremely rare. I can't even find any downloads of them. If you find a site, PLEASE send it to me. Thanks. [email protected]


It was released in 1996, but you can still find copies around. Used Game shops and Ebay. There are multiple versions of the game, so look below for extra ways to get your hands on this classic. Also, see the other versions section....


This game is a great example of what Metal Gear Solid is. It is one of the best games ever on the Paystation Game Console. The only minor problem was it was a little short. It will take 7 hours or so the first time, but the replay value isn't very great. You only unlock a few things. That's why the extras are here. See "Other Versions" section below.

Final Score: 10/10

Other Versions / Extras

There are a total of 5 other versions or extras in the series. I can't say I've played them all (I've played every one except Intgral for Playstation and Bleemcast), but I can tell you what I know about each one....

Metal Gear Solid Integral (Playstation)

Metal Gear Solid Integral was a japan-only release. Simply put, it was a re-release of Metal Gear Solid with a couple new features, such as one Extra Weapon (A silenced machine gun only available in "Very Easy" mode), new costumes, and a "First person mode" which really isn't all it's cracked up to be. In addition to that, a "VR Missions" disc was included that let you play 300 short missions (Such as the few in Metal Gear Solid, but with different themes (Sneaking Mode, Weapons Mode, Advanced Mode, and Variety mode). This really completes the entire game. You get a couple days worth of missions to do (They aren't very hard...). On top of that, I heard you could use the "PocketStation" with it, but I don't know what. If you are in Japan, you can get the game, but if you're in the US, you can't play it without a decoder chip in your Playstation.

Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions (Playstation)

Actually this isn'y another version but it is part of the original Metal Gear Solid. The VR missions from Integral did make it to the US. You just don't get anything extra in the main game. You still get the 300 Missions and at a cheaper price, too. Can't beat that. Only available on Playstation.

Metal Gear Solid: Integral (PC)

Integral did make it to the US as a port to PC by Microsoft. You get not only the full game with improved graphics on your PC, but also a couple new Features only PC can do, such as cheats and saving the game anywhere. You get the VR missions as well, witht the Photograph mode already unlocked. The only problem I've seen is it crashes on my XP system in VR missions sometimes... Anyway, it doesn't too often, so just have fun. like the Playstation version, though, you probably have to use Ebay to find a copy. In addition to that, I like the playstation controls better. Using the keyboard makes the VR missions a little hard, so you'll have to buy a gamepad. Sorry.

Metal Gear Solid (Bleemcast)

I don't really know what Bleemcast is, other than a emulation of Playstation on Dreamcast. I know the graphics are improved, but this one is VERY hard to find, and not worth it. Get the PC version.

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

This is a remake of the original that was made for Gamecube. I suggest only play this game if you've played The original already and you want to know what the remake was like. It's kinda overdone, and some of the stuff in it is downgraded. Read the full review by clicking the link below (Twin Snakes).

Official/Unofficial links:

Official Metal Gear Series Website
IMDB page
Metal Gear Online
Planet MGS
The Snake Soup

Guide Entry links:

Metal Gear (MSX)
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX)
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (COMING SOON! Releases on November 17th)
Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude
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