Police Public Call Box: 'til Death do us Part

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Rotating images of Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker.

'til Death do us Part

I think the honeymoon period is well and truly over for 'The Wedding of River Song'. The storyline was very timey-wimey and I thought the use of the parallel world didn't quite work. It was an excuse to have some fun and play around with some special effects and concepts, but it didn't add anything to the story. Saying that, most of the story was based in this parallel world. Perhaps it was the fact that this world was taken to extremes, it was laughable and too fantastical. And Amy and Rory forgot each other. Again. Another repeated idea is the Doctor trying to avoid his death, continuing to run, even mentioning the thought of visiting Liz 1 again. In fact, all the previous finales of New Who have had some repetition of ideas and plot-line. There seems to be no original thought in the show anymore.

The Silence also returned. Who are the Silence, have we seen them before? Well yes, but you might not be able to remember... In all honesty, I really don't know why they were in this episode. Yeah, Madame Kovarian had used them to brainwash Melody Pond/River Song and there was a creepy mention about Silence falling when the question is asked. The Doctor seemed to think that it was his death, his silence falling... Dorium seems to think the question is "Doctor Who?" Once again, there are still ends to be tied up, nothing's ever finished, you always have to be left guessing or left confused at the end of a Moffat story.

Initially I wasn't happy about the way the wedding between the Doctor and River happened, I didn't like the fact that it took place in an alternate universe that River herself says "didn't happen". Although it was witness to everyone who was there at the eye of the storm. I think the heart of the story was brilliant, and in a way the rest of the episode can be excused for that, after all the whole world was based around the relationship between River and the Doctor. What that relationship is, has been resolved now, in a way. She is sort of the woman who killed the Doctor and she is the sort of the Doctor's wife. Her new name? Melody Pond Doctor, which can also be read backwards (in the language of the Delta Forests) as Doctor River Song.

Now it's time for the Doctor to enter the shadows and live a quieter life, now a married man, occasionally visiting his wife who is imprisoned in Stormcage for his murder. I doubt he can keep his adventures on the down low for long...

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