A Conversation for h2g2's NaJoPoMo 2011

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 1

Deep Doo Doo

Somedays I'm struggling to write for this challenge. Other days, I have so much to say that I could fill pages. At the moment, I'm trying to keep all my journal entries at a similar length.

What do you like to read, length-wise? Short, sharp and snappy or lengthy, detailed but well-written?

Depending on responses, I may change the thinking behind my current journals.

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 2


I'm so absolutely rushed for time right now that I'd rather the shortish ones. Usually I prefer a medium-length piece. I don't mind a long piece if it is broken up into manageable paragraphs. My old eyes get fatigued in the middle of long paragraphs. But that's just me. smiley - smiley

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

Paragraphs are p- p- hmmm... ah! Paramount! Unbroken huge blocks of text give me smiley - headhurts

Not sure about where to set the limit of how many paragraphs I can plow through easily though...

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 4


I love the long ones.

Biased though

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 5


I love all of them. If its long and doesn't grab me, I'll skim. If it's long and does I'll read. If it's short and sweet I'll generally read.

I like the variety.

Broken up well into paragraphs really helps me though..for the visuals.

I generally now here break stuff up much more because I find it easier to read.

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

about 8 inches long seems to be about right... smiley - run

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 7

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm working on the basis that the journal needs to be the length the story fits into. That doesn't help at all, I know.

Paragraph breaks are essential, whatever the length of the piece.

smiley - redwineIvan.

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 8


I'm with Ivan on this one

Sorry not very helpful

I am enjoying the variety most of all so can't put a preferance on length, or anything else

Peanut smiley - peacesign

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 9


except paragraphs, I struggle without them

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 10


I'm really struggling to read all the journals at the moment, so I'm usually pretty pleased to come across a short one so I can read it and comment or just leave my smiley - cheerup calling card, and move on. I don't think I'm even managing half in a day. Today I'm struggling just to read all the conversations on my ps before I start on the journals.

My own journals are the length they need to be. I try not to make them too short, at least a couple of paragraphs, which I've succeeded in doing so far.

Deb smiley - cheerup

As a reader, what length of journal suits you?

Post 11


I've been varying the length and style of my journals, but generally not more than 3-4 paragraphs. Paragraphs and breaks between paragraphs are important, especially on longer entries. I have been having trouble keeping up with reading them lately, but that's cause I've been too busy.

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