A Conversation for Fantasy Football Predictions League Season 21

FF: week Seven results

Post 21

McKay The Disorganised

"Inverness 2-3 Dundee United (HAYES, McKay, Russell)"

Dammit you'd think I'd have got a least one of those scorers.

smiley - cider

FF: week Seven results

Post 22



FF: week Seven results

Post 23

Mu Beta

I cannot be beaten by Psycorp. The humliation would be too extreme...


FF: week Seven results

Post 24


You're still absolutely mullering me, if that's any consolation

FF: week Seven results

Post 25

McKay The Disorganised

I'm getting a nose bleed - I've never been anywhere near these heights before.

smiley - cider

FF: week Seven results

Post 26

Secretly Not Here Any More

You're at the Manchester Meet, Mr Beta, and I believe that this season finishes in late January.

Care for a little wager?

FF: week Seven results

Post 27

Mu Beta

No, I've had experience of losing all my money to Egon and Ormy in fantasy football wagers.


FF: week Seven results

Post 28


I'm looking through the old seasons to try and see if we've ver had a lower top score than this week's Five.

Excepting mini-rounds from summer tournaments (rounds with only one or two games in), the last time we had a weekly winner with 5 was back in Season 8.

I've not found a four or lower yet.

FF: week Seven results

Post 29



A week that Robin won with four points. Season Four in 2002. So that's 17 seasons since we've had a week worse than this one.

FF: week Seven results

Post 30


In season two, several weeks were won with 5 points (we hadn't quite got the hang of the game by that point, clearly) In season 1, there were two 4 point wins. http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/classic/F76327?thread=150958#p1488223 http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/classic/F76327?thread=143955#p1374306

FF: week Seven results

Post 31

Mu Beta

I remember one godawful week of Intertoto Cup qualifiers when we all scored very little.


FF: week Seven results

Post 32


Sorry to scrounge but I believe I should have had a point for ba scoring as well.

FF: week Seven results

Post 33


I've got you down for a point for Ba already, Yakus. I've got you down as two points for Dundee United winning, and one for Ba scoring, making 3 in total. Which point have I missed aside from these?

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