unlikely Faith in the unknown doubtful
Created | Updated Mar 16, 2003

March 20th, 2003
Dear Sir or Madam,
UFOlogy is the world's fastest growing religion.H2G2, with its 100,000-plus member 'researchers' , is but one small secularist sect of this rampaging idolatry.
Fundamentalist UFOlogy is based on first person encounters with Unidentified Flying Objects, aliens and other phenomena which are quite reminiscent of accounts by Biblical prophets of their encounters with the Old Testament God.
Chariots of fire, burning bushes, glimmering and hovering angels and a variety of strange meteorological events are reported in the ancient holy scriptures. These 'signs' are not unique to the ancient world, and thousands of modern-day UFOlogists continue to claim first hand experience of very similar events.
The Fundamentalist UFOlogist has seen UFOs, encountered crop circles or other evidence of UFO landings and interventions, or perhaps even claims to have had personal contact with shimmering beings and possibly been invited aboard strange and alien craft.
But beyond this hard core of fundamentalists who claim personal experience of close encounters, there are now millions of other human beings subscribing to a wide ranging belief that something is happening and someone or something is out there and trying to contact us. The proliferation of Science Fiction books, films and television programs has caused more than half the earth's population to become at least 'open' to the possibilties which Fundamentalist UFOlogists take as gospel truth.
Once a human mind opens itself to the possibility that there are alien beings just beyond our realities, it becomes very easy to begin placing a great deal of Faith in the potential of these manifest possibilities. The average Sci-Fi fan will generally object to being counted among the Fundamentalist zealots and will scoff at most of the Fundamentalist accounts, but there can be no denying that millions of them now cling to a Hope of contacting alien species. Millions more keep one eye open for 'signs'.
Once the mind is opened to possibilities, it is deliriously easy to ignore Reality and live in a state of peaceful delusion similar to the ancient concept of Faith. These so-called 'possibilities' breed a mental and spiritual virus that fuels our imaginations and consumes our higher critical functions.
Even mainstream Science has become infatuated with 'theoretical' possibilities. They have looked at the numbers, expanded their prospectus of the universe and become enchanted by the idea that the cosmos is mind-boggingly infinite. They have abandoned reason and objectivity and are being driven by emotionally charged notions of infinite possibilities. Some even allow that 'anything is possible'. Surely this is doubtful.
Yes, there are an infinite number of possibilities, and these will always engage our minds and souls so much more effectively than any rational reminder that they are also entirely unlikely. But I will remind you that for every possibility there is an equal Improbability, even if most of humanity wants to ignore this equally staggering infinite number of Improbabilities.
For I say, 'Figh' and 'Shame' upon this perfidy. An equally infinite number of Improbabilities can no longer be safely ignored. I therefore ask you to begin reminding each other daily of these Infinite Improbabilities and join me in an Infinite Improbability drive.

To Whom It May Concern