Stuff I hate.

1 Conversation

You know what I hate? When somebody forwards some message to you thats been forwarded a thousand times, and they dont bother to erase all the names of the people who have seen the message in the past.

>>>And the message >>>>>is next

>>>>>>>>>to >>>impossible to

>>>because its


>>all fragmented >>>>and





>>>>full of ">>" things.

Then when you get it cleaned up enough to read it you realize it's the same sappy poem encouraging you to live life to the fullest and to always be sure to hug your kids that you've seen a million times, which wasn't worth your time to read it the FIRST time you saw it...

You know what I hate? Cable TV costs $30-60 a month, and all you end up with is an extra thirty channels, half of which are usually showing reruns of the same shows you hated when they were on plain old free-of-charge network TV, the rest of which are playing a completely new batch of horrible shows...

You know what I hate? The obsession with advertising in America. Take the Simpsons for example. Where I come from they show new episodes on Sundays, and reruns on the weekdays. By the time a certain episode reaches the weekdays they've cut the opening sequence down to virtually nothing. Now "the Simpsons" appears on screen, and it cuts directly to the family all running into the living room. By the next time the same episode is aired, they've cut a few lines out, thinking no one will ever notice. For example, in one episode Lisa gets gum in her hair. When she goes to Marge about it in the original version, Marge says something to the effect of "Are you sure it's gum? Maybe its just shampoo, that washes right out" By the third time this episode was aired, that line was missing. Trivial, I know, but these episodes are getting shorter and shorter all the time, all in the name of squeezing in a few more annoying advertisements for The Money Tree.

You know what I hate? When the local radio station plays the same set of songs at the same time of day virtually every day of the week. If I turn on my radio at 6:15 AM, I am almost guaranteed to hear "Brown-Eyed Girl"

You know what I hate? When a band that used to be really great gets all the original members but one together for a tour, and the one guy who refused to tour again is the lead singer. Whats the friggin' point? The new lead singer usually makes them sound like some half-assed garage band doing crappy covers of other people's songs.

You know what I hate? You loan somebody a CD and it comes back to you so scratched you can't even tell what the hell it was supposed to be anymore.

You know what I hate? When some moron wastes my time by telling me a list of stuff that pisses him off, apparently thinking I give a crap...

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