A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem

You've got *pink* toes?

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

I thought they were too hairy to show!smiley - silly

Nice poem!smiley - ok ...but did you know you can actually count up to 99 using your toes?

Although I prefer using my fingers - it'll save me the trouble of removing shoes and socks - but as a smiley - cat you don't have that problme, do you Greebo?smiley - donut

You've got *pink* toes?

Post 2


~big grin~... Me never has any problem with anyone bearing doughnuts... ~Greebo huggles Titania...~ Me was very sorry to hear about your writers block... ~sad sigh~... Me has a nice chisel here if it will help you chip away at it... ~grin~


You've got *pink* toes?

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh - thanks!smiley - smiley

*looks at huge block*

I wonder what I should carve... I know! A Greebo of course!

*starts chipping away*

smiley - silly

You've got *pink* toes?

Post 4


~Greebo giggles bigtime~

Your tale is brillaint... ~grin~... but a large stature of a cat would fit in it perfectly me thinks... ~wink~


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