A Tribute to Jason Mizell

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It seems to me that the last two years have involved an almost constant stream of famous people dying young and needlessly. Our own founder Douglas Adams of a heart attack, Ian Dury of cancer, Kirsty MacColl in a boating accident, Hansie Cronje and Aaliyah in plane crashes, Ben Hollioake in a car crash.

And now to that number we can add 37-year-old, married father of two Jason Mizell, better known as Jam Master Jay, DJ with rap group Run DMC, who achieved fame in the '80s with their socially-aware hip hop, black bowler hats, Adidas trainers and Aerosmith cover version..

On October 30th, 2002, Jam Master Jay died after being shot in the head at RunDMC's recording studio in the Queen's District of New York, the area where the band members grew up. Also injured in the shooting was a 25-year old called Urieco Rincon, who was shot in the leg. Rincon was one of the many local people Run DMC allowed to use their recording studio for free.

Now, admittedly, rappers getting shot is, sadly, not an unusual occurrence. the tales of East coast-West Coast rivalry and other gang warfare are well known, and believed to be responsible for the deaths of Tupac Shakur, Notorius BIG and others. So naturally some news agencies are already claiming that Mizell was the victim of this kind of gang warfare

But the flaw in that argument is that RunDMC were not gangsta rappers. They actively spoke up against the gang culture in cities such as Los Angeles. Their songs weren't about murder and violence. Some, such as their anarchic cover of Aerosmiths paean to teenage sex
'Walk This Way', exhibited a sense of fun, while others, such as their only UK number one 'It's Like That' demonstrated the band's social conscience, and are basically protest songs bemoaning the fate of the poor and unemployed. This isn't gangsta rap, its three black Bob Dylans in bowler hats.

To describe Run DMC as violent role models is ludicrous. Run (Joseph Simmons) is an ordained minister, and as I mentioned before, he, DMC (Darryl McDaniels) and Jay allowed the locals to use their recording studio free of charge.

Run DMC released 'Crown Royal', their first album in seven years, in 2001. They have just released a greatest hits compilation, and were in the studio with the aim of recording a new album when Jay was shot.

Jam Master Jay's funeral took place on Tuesday 5th November 2002, a week after rap music lost a legend.

Jay's like King Midas, as I was told,

everything that he touched turned to gold.

He's the greatest of the great, get it straight he's great.

Claim fame cause his name is known in every state.

His name is Jay to see him play will make you say:

'God damn, that DJ made my day!'

from 'Peter Piper' by Run D.M.C.

Run DMC website


07.11.02 Front Page

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