Being A Bisexual
Created | Updated May 19, 2003
I would first of all like to introduce myself as a timid teenager, suffering from mood swings(depression to hysterical laughter in 0.4 secs), presently experimenting with hair colour(mostly purple), currently applying to university, and enjoying my last year at school. I am open about my sexuality to my friends and those I trust, excluding my family and the general public. The reason being that in Scotland, if you don't live in a big city you have to be straight, lazy, drunken, into hard-core dance music, emotionaly retarded, and culturally ignorant. I don't enjoy small-town life.....not going down the pub getting drunk every weekend makes me an outcast.
Now for the main part. It has recently come to my attention that bisexuals are relatively worse thought of than gays. It seems that being bi is "worse" than being gay. Don't get me wrong, there should be no difference between straight, bi or gay, but in general this divide exists whether we like it or not. I am confused as to why there is a difference between the latter two. Perhaps someone could tell me why?
Firstly, I'm not greedy. At the age of 8 I thought it was a good idea to be bi after taunting from boys and girls about my ugly mug and big ears. I figured it opens up my options a fair bit, so I'll have more chance of finding a mate, perhaps someone blind. Fortunately for me this simple thought turned out to be true, although I favour men about 70% to 30% prefference on women.
Secondly I find it hard to say that girls are so much better than guys or vice-versa, when in recent years the two have merged to form a single-sex society, because to make any decision based on sex is now sexist. Yes it gets confusing. So now we have girls trying to be boyish, just because they can, and guys getting lazier that ever, because now the girls can do the man's job as well as their own. A big improvement in society I must say!
So. Bisexuality. You want to know the big secret? Well there is none. Open mindedness. Widening your horisons. My main incentive, is that true love goes on the soul, not on whats between the legs. Of coarse for procreation purposes a mano-et-mano relationship does seem to be a bit of a set-back.
But now there is the rising posabillity of gay marriage, and single-sex couples adopting. Personaly, even if I marry a woman, I would prefer to adopt. I can't stand the thought of children growing up without a single family to be a part of. Getting passed around, moving, it's just not right for a child to be thrown around like a time-bomb, everyone waiting for it to break down into tears and shutdown due to stress. There are way too many kids up for adoption, and people should now stop and think whether it is just, to bring a new child into the world, while there is a child down the road who is desperately in need of a loving family. Amen't I mad. I'm quite sure my view on pre-adoption housing is somewhat jaded, however I can't do much about that.
At 17 I certainly can't hold all of the answers. In-fact this entry probably raises more questions than it does answers. I'm still on the learning path myself. I hope to see more entries related to bisexuality and homosexuality. It seems to have been egnored here.