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Alternative Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders

Post 1

White Novo

Entry: Facts about Spiders - A86303216
Author: White Novo - U14937191

Any valid arguments or information that is incorrect in my entry please comment.

Alternative Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This is great. smiley - biggrin I don't know anything about spiders, other than that I fear the brown recluse, as I live in North Carolina.

A suggestion:

Soon, very soon, this will not be an issue (because the experts are going to fix it), but right now, this piece really needs to be in Peer Review.

Could you send it over there, please? We're trying to get all the entries we can for the Edited Guide by the cnangeover, and this one's looking good to me. (I almost fainted when I saw an entry in the AWW with an honest-to-gosh TABLE in it.)

Alternative Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

It's okay, it has been moved to the EG writing workshop already. I very stupidly asked the author to send it back here when I read about the world's largest spider weighing 500 pounds as I thought the whole thing was a spoof. Who'd have thunk that spiders had such crazy names?

It was Lampshade Spiders that made me start to laugh smiley - crysmiley - rofl

It's been one of those long hot days and my brain has officially melted. I did apologise previously to the esteemed author for being so frivolous.

smiley - cheerupsmiley - spider

Alternative Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders

Post 4

White Novo

I'm currently in the middle of editing the entry to make it more clear that it is not myth. I'll be working on it within the next couple of days and then once I have feedback on it, I'll send it over to PR. smiley - smiley

Alternative Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

I have been able to chase down the Lampshade Spider, but I'm having a problem with this 500-pound jobbie.

According to what I can find on the web, the Black Morning Spider, all 500 pounds of it, allegedly lives on Gilligan's Island.

Are we, indeed, being had on by a savvy expert? smiley - winkeye Or is there more to cryptozoology than meets the tinfoil hat?

I, too, am somewhat heatstruck and totally clueless.

Alternative Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - simpost

smiley - cool Looking forward to this.

Alternative Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders

Post 7

White Novo

Well I researched about the spider, but I have found no proof to back the scientists claims, I am still working on this, But I'm not holding much hope for success smiley - laugh

Alternative Writing Workshop: A86303216 - Facts about Spiders

Post 8

White Novo

This topic has been moved to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F57153?thread=8256117

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